
Boeing’s Quality Control Team Meets to Discuss Safety and Bird Attacks
BOB: Take a seat, team. Liz is right. We have to go into damage-control mode and get to the bottom of this crash. But we need to ask the right questions.
LIZ: How could this happen?
BOB: Wrong question.
CARTER: Who’s responsible?
BOB: Even more wrong.
WILLIAM: Who can we blame?
BOB: Bingo.

CARTOON: Cuddle Crisis
Snuggle Struggle. Today's cartoon by Zip Freeman.

I Can’t Afford to Pay Employees a Living Wage and Still Take Home $9,000,000 a Year Making Egg Salad Sandwiches
Teaching the servers to scoop just the right amount, dropping it in just the right spot on the lettuce, which, in turn, is centered in just the right spot on the toast – all this is difficult, which is why people come to Nothing But Egg Salad, the nation’s number one spot for egg salad sandwiches.

A Statement on Our Relationship From American Airlines and JetBlue Airways
It is with great sadness that we at JetBlue and American Airlines announce the end of our partnership. This was a very difficult process for us and we want everyone to know that we are parting on loving terms. We have nothing but admiration for each other’s low fares, bonus mile offers, and inflight menu selections.

Corporate Statement Templates For This Pride Month
Pride Parade Float Is Set On Fire : We here at [cabal of billionaires/actual power behind the government] are [saddened/overjoyed] to hear about the [tragic/wonderful] events that took place at the recent Pride parade.

CARTOON: Cash Clothes
Perfect plan. Today's cartoon by Bill Thomas.

CARTOON: Competition
Expanding reach. Today's cartoon by Mat Barton & Adam Cooper.

I’m Just Calling to Follow Up on the Email I’m About to Send You
Are you getting another call right now? That’s me, hitting you up on Microsoft Teams. If we talk on Teams and the phone at the same time, we can do a post-mortem on this follow-up call while I prioritize the tasks for the email I’ll send you later that we’re following up on now. That way we won’t have to circle back later and rehash things we haven’t talked about yet.

Sticky situation. Today's cartoon by Jeff Hobbs.

Shiv Roy’s Tips for How To #GirlBoss Your Way Through Losing Control of the Family Company
Don’t Trust Anybody: When shit’s falling apart, don’t trust anybody. Don’t trust your friends, don’t trust your mother, don’t trust your husband. If you’re going to trust anyone, only trust me when I say not to trust anyone. And more!

CARTOON: Rock Star
B.C. Business. Today's cartoon by Shannon Wheeler.

CARTOON: Booming Business
What we got for $2 trillion? Lots of happy military contractors. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Motel 666, Ben and Scary's, L.L. Speen, and more #HorrorABusiness on this weeks trending joke game!

The Defunct Corporations Support Club Welcomes Quibi
Agenda: Welcome Quibi to the group! We really are impressed that you became a member in record time. You beat the record that MoviePass set in 2018!

COVID-19 Business E-mail Alerts You May Have Missed...
And as this pandemic has proven, there are a lot of dangerous, mentally unbalanced people posting less than truthful information on Twitter. From Russian bots and opportunistic hate groups to the president and his family, there are many unsavory predators lurking on Twitter.

NYSE-Style Ticker Symbols For Terrible Business Ideas
YSND: Yes And Industries: An improv comedy-based telecommunications company, Yes And Industries connects people via pretend telephones, with plans on expanding to culinary arts, namely fake onion chopping, in the near future.

I Backpacked Across The Globe And Found Paradise And It Is The Open Office
There’s a thrill an office provides that’s unlike any experience available on the road. Chatting about weather with Marge from accounting is really no different than eavesdropping in a Paris cafe.

CARTOON: Team Player
Who brought the orange slices? Today's cartoon by Drew Panckeri.

Please Deliver This Request for Proposal by End of Week
My boss told me “deadline has the word ‘dead’ for a reason.” Help.

Talkward w/ guest Irving Ruan
This episode of Talkward welcomes San Francisco based humor writer, actor, comedian, playwright, and engineer Irving Ruan. Irving writes regularly for The New Yorker, McSweeney's, Weekly Humorist as well SlackJaw, where he is also an editor!

CARTOON: Volume Value
Volume non-value-add. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

Sexist Double Standards I Hold About Men That Generic RideShare App™ Needs to Address
As a powerful woman who is supposed to hate all other women and nonbinary people almost as much as I hate myself, this email serves to confess I can’t. I just can’t and I need your help. It’s terrible and really going to limit my trajectory at Generic RideShare App™, but there are some sexist double-standards I just can’t help but have.

Note of Appreciation From Dinosaur Old Business To Customers Still Buying And Not Using The New Business Disruptors
We thank you for upholding the idea that even though there's a cheaper, more sensible way to eat, sleep, drink — do virtually anything — you don't care. You want things to stay the same. Because staying the same is the only way we can respect the past and keep people like us alive. You realize that once our business dies off -- and it will -- life will never be the same.

CARTOON: Budget Cuts
"Our budget ran out right about here."
Today's cartoon by Tim Oliphant

Talkward w/ guest Brittany Brave
Today on Talkward is guest Brittany Brave! Brittany is a stand-up…

Other Recent Changes To Your MoviePass Account
MoviePass announced it is raising its price and cutting access…