
Jerry Seinfeld Asks, "What's The Deal With Masculinity?"

Men used to settle arguments with a duel to the death. They would pull out their pistols and see who could kill the other one first. Nowadays, the way men deal with conflict is by talking to each other. Have you seen this? They actually talk and listen and debate with one another. It's obscene -- go get a room!

CARTOON: Spotless Scalp

Bald & Bold. Today's cartoon by Bill Thomas.

An Open Letter To The Guy Who Exposed Himself On Stage At The Music Festival

Here’s an important rule to remember about penises: they should never be a surprise. You need consent from whoever you plan on showing your dingaling to before it makes an appearance. I don’t recall you getting on the mic and asking for the audience’s permission.

Whoever Keeps Spreading Rumors Around About Me Being Really Charming Needs To Stop It Right Now

I’ve been informed that many of you have been talking behind my back. I don’t know who but everything you’ve said, I’ve heard it. Spreading rumors about my “endless charm” and “razor-sharp wit.” I’ve had enough. You better knock it off right now.


In the doghouse? Today's cartoon by Drew Pankceri.

CARTOON: Falling Down

Leaf me alone! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Scream Pillow

Covered in good vibes. Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

CARTOON: Inflate Date

Hot, hot air. Today's cartoon by Jeff Hobbs.

Goodnight, Son: A Bedtime Story For Your Manchild

In the not-so-guest bedroom / There was a full-sized race car bed  / And my 398-month-old son tucked away, watching Beavis and Butthead 

CARTOON: Evolution of Man & Fire

Sparks of wonder through the ages. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

What Your Animal Tattoo Says About You

Lion (male): Your masculinity is toxic. Lion (female): You’re forced to carry the emotional labor for your entire family. Scar from The Lion King: You are murderously jealous of your older, more successful brother.

CARTOON: De-evolution

De-evolution. Today's cartoon by Paul Cannata.

Please Stand When You See Me In My American Flag Speedo At the Pool This Weekend Otherwise You are Disrespecting the Troops

So when I walk by you – whether on my way to the diving board to do another cannonball or on my way to the snack shack to get some Freedom fries – you will stand and respect the flag.

A Manly Holiday Gift Guide of Manly Gifts for the Manly Men in Your Life  

A flask with a Mini-Flask Hidden on the Side of It. And more.

Welcome to Our Historic Castle and No You May Not Skinny Dip in the Moat

Which brings us to our last stop, the gatehouse and moat. Seriously, sir, why are your pants off. Sir! SIR! I don’t care if you read that medieval people skinny dipped in the moat, we’re not doing it now. This is the twenty first century.

CARTOON: Volume Value

Volume non-value-add. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

Synopsis: Aunt-Man and the W.A.S.P.

When Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) catches two homeless kids…

Man Allergic To Clothing Gets Permission To Come To Work Nude

PENSACOLA, Florida – Jack Navish had worn clothing all his…