The Eerie Similarities & Distinct Differences Between Cocaine Bear & Smokey the Bear
Cocaine Bear is the star of a major motion picture now in release
Despite 75 years of work in television, Smokey the Bear has never made it to the big screen and is currently seeking new representation
Like every other bear, Smokey the Bear shits in the woods
Unlike any other bear, Cocaine Bear snorts in the woods
Smokey the Bear is known for saying, “Only you can prevent wild fires.”
Cocaine Bear is known for saying, “Hold up, dude, just one more kilo.”
Smokey the Bear cites the movie Gentle Ben as his all-time favorite
Cocaine Bear will bend your ear for hours raving about Scarface
Smokey the Bear is instantly recognizable by his large park ranger’s hat
You can mistake Cocaine Bear thanks to the large gobs of white powder on his lips, nose, paws and gum lines
On any given day, Smokey the Bear consumes dozens of plants and berries
In his 95-minute film debut, Cocaine Bear polishes off dozens of fellow cast members’ arms and legs
Smokey the Bear is credited with educating millions on just how dangerous forest fires can be
Cocaine Bear is credited with reminding millions on just how much fun a little blow can be
Smokey the Bear always carries a shovel to help him put out forest fires
It never occurred to Cocaine Bear to carry a shovel to help him lay out massive lines of the white stuff
Smokey the Bear is always seen in his blue jeans because of his squeaky-clean family image
Cocaine Bear doesn’t give a crap what people think of him and loves romping through the woods naked and buzzed
Cocaine Bear is currently reading scripts for future projects
Smokey the Bear has pretty much resigned himself to being forever typecast but remains busy thanks to the recent surge in forest fires caused by global warming
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John Ficarra is an American publishing figure and humor writer. He was hired as assistant editor of the American satire magazine Mad in 1980, shortly after his debut as a contributing writer. He became editor-in-chief in 1985, when the incumbent retired, to 2018.