
Translating Popular Adjectives Used to Resell Stuff Online

Nothing inspires creative copywriting and bending the truth quite like the possibility of decluttering and pocketing some cold hard cash.

Excellent: Looks nearly perfect from a distance, if you travel back in time to before you had Lasik surgery, and all the lights are out

Very good: None of our kids vomited on it

Sturdy: Withstood being hurled at a relative during a Thanksgiving dinner political debate

Rustic: Owned by a chainsmoker

Well-loved: Our dog tried to mate with this nightly

Good: One, possibly two, of our kids vomited on it

Classic: More worn-out than a mom on her last day at Disney World

Versatile: Was once home to a feral cat community

Cozy: So small even butterflies couldn’t alight on it

Sophisticated: Stunningly overpriced

Lovingly-restored: As good as it’s gonna get

Heirloom-quality: Given to us by Nana and we feel bad just tossing it in a Dumpster

Retro: May be popular again if you’re willing to wait two, maybe three, decades and think positive thoughts

Original: Purchased by owner at Home Goods, not at yard sale

Vintage: Was recently taken out of moth balls, hence the smell

Antique: We have no clue how this ended up in our attic

One-of-a-kind: Manufacturer stopped making these because even dollar stores wouldn’t carry ‘em

User-friendly: The operating manual is long gone

Like new: Absolutely nothing like new