If Everyone Did Their Jobs Like the IRS
Salesperson: It’s $50 if you’re a renter, but if you own your home we’ll take 20% off, as part of our “blouse the housed” promotion. There’s an extra 20% off for each additional home you own, too!
Mob Enforcer: Where’s the money?!
Principal: Clearly there has been widespread cheating on the exam. Students whose families have a lawyer are dismissed. All others must stay behind and submit to an invasive search of your lunch box and person.
Waitress: Would you like to hear our specials? It’s Tuesday, so corporations eat free! For people, we have half price wings.
Pilot: Alpha-Alpha-3–2–9-Foxtrot, approaching Denver. Denver Approach, do we have runway clearance?
Coach: Fight hard, play a clean game, and leave everything out on the field. Give ’em everything you’ve got. Except the rich players: you can just cheat.
Patient: What will the surgery cost?
Students: Are you going to grade this test?
Dentist: [looking in patient’s mouth] You’ll need several fillings. To find out how many, complete worksheet 1288b in section 43 on page 427 of the instruction manual.
Client: Why does your blueprint call every room a “home office”?
Customer: How many are in a baker’s dozen?
Lawyer: Your Honor, I request leniency on behalf of my client, a model citizen who volunteers ten hours a week at a charity.
Expecting Mother: What is my due date?

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Talia Argondezzi lives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania; directs a college writing center; and has been known to use the Oxford semicolon when necessary. You can see her writing in The Belladonna, McSweeney’s, Points in Case, Slackjaw, Frazzled Humor, and The Daily Drunk.