Jeanine Pirro Diary Entry on the Night Mueller Report Delivered to the DOJ
“It’s the worst night of my life.”
On March 9, Jeanine Pirro was suspended by Fox News after suggesting that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s hijab was antithetical to the United States Constitution. She remained suspended at the time that Robert Mueller’s report was released.
March 22, 2019
Dear Diary – It’s me, Jeanine. I’m so upset. This should be the best night of my life. The BREAKING NEWS has finally arrived: Mueller’s investigation is complete and there are no indictments against the Trumps. I should be happier than an Islamic martyr receiving 72 virgins in paradise. Instead, thanks to Ilhan Omar’s hijab, I’m home alone and completely devastated.
I’ve been suspended from Fox News for TWO whole weeks!
I feel like I’m missing senior prom.
It’s not fair. I worked so hard. For 674 days I ranted about the left wing mob, fake news media, and anti-Trump conspirators. I never waivered about The Wall. I lobbied to take over Jess Sessions’ job and then denied it on The View. I even went looking for Hillary in the woods for a Chappaqua edition of ‘Street Justice” and screamed inside a laundromat, “Does Hillary Clinton drop off her pantsuits here for dry cleaning?!”
Is there no justice for “Justice with Judge Jeanine”??
Why God? Why did you allow this to happen?
I had a saucy little red dress picked out and everything. It looked a hell of a lot classier than that bitch Laura Ingraham’s boring blue shirt and that gold cross she puts on for supporters who think Trump is ordained by God because My Pillow Man dreamt POTUS was riding up an escalator.
Why does Laura get to be the one to announce the big news? I hate her!!
Donald doesn’t think Fox was fair either. He tweeted Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro.
But why does Donald tweet so much about AOC now? And how come AOC has a cute nickname? No one calls me JP, or JJP. I’m a highly respected Judge, author & renowned champion of the underdog, as I self-describe in my Twitter profile because let’s face it, if you don’t love yourself first…
This should be MY MOMENT!!!
It’s Hillary’s fault. It’s time to shut it down, turn the tables and lock her up. That’s what I said. I actually said it. Lock her up.
OH wait a minute. Scratch that (seeing as how everyone who has said “lock her up” is actually getting locked up). Lock her up ← note to self: JPP DO NOT SAY IT AGAIN
It’s not fair! Why am I suspended? Tucker got to say Iraq was a crappy place filled with semiliterate primitive monkeys and got “vacation.”
Oh boy, would I have let those Liars, Leakers and Libtards have it tonight!!
Fox and Friends. Ha! With friends like this, who needs enemies?
For that matter, who needs allies…certainly not the United States of America.
Well, that’s all. Good night & hugs Jeanine A.K.A. JPP / Justice / ApocaLIPS
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Margaret Hetherman is a Brooklyn-based writer whose essays and satire can be found on sites that include McSweeneys, The Belladonna Comedy, BitchMedia, The Establishment, The Rumpus, PointsInCase, LOL Comedy, Purple Clover, Scientific American, with other work on CNN and BBC. She keeps one foot in the Detroit area, specifically at Zingerman’s deli (somewhere between the Reuben and the free samples of olive oil).