Plot Lines for the Next 8 ‘Toy Story’ Movies
Nine years after its predecessor, a fourth Toy Story has finally hit theaters—and it’s a hit! Proving that no franchise is too old or too tired for Disney to ram it firmly into the ground.
Despite what some have reported, the film will certainly not be the last that we see of these characters. In a leaked internal Pixar document, acquired by the Weekly Humorist, the company has already outlined the next eight films in the seemingly never-ending series.
Presented here with some preliminary concept art, these outlines prove that the studio still has exiting new places to take these beloved characters.
Toy Story 5 (2021)
The gang is back together for another exciting adventure! After hearing that the city’s last toy store would be closing down, Woody, Buzz, Bo and the rest of the crew rush to save the remaining toys from being melted down for recycled plastic. “Appy”—the terrifying new villain pervading children’s phones—is bound to become a fan favorite.
Note: Due to a forthcoming article by Ronan Farrow coming out in The New York Times, actor Tom Hanks will be replaced in the role of Woody by Patton Oswalt.
Toy Story 6 (2025)
Bonnie, now in her early twenties, introduces a new kind of toy to her closet. In a drama reminiscent of the 1995 original, our characters must compete with a new “Woody” and “Buzz” for Bonnie’s affection.
Mr. Potato Head: A ‘Toy Story’ Story (2026)
The first in a planned series of ‘stand alone’ Toy Story prequels, the film will trace the beginnings of one of the series’ most beloved regulars.
Since the character will be roughly half the age he was when voiced by Don Rickles in the first Toy Story, Potato Head will here be voiced by Jeff Ross, who is roughly half as talented.
Toy Story 7 (2028)
In this fourth-wall shattering 7th installment, Woody and the gang are scooped up by former Pixar boss John Lasseter.
Camouflaging themselves under a pile of sweaty Hawaiian shirts, the toys must find a way to escape the troubled producer’s unwanted advances.
Note: Judging by his increasingly divisive political views, it is expected that the Walt Disney Company will have parted ways with Tim Allen by this point. The character of Buzz Lightyear will henceforth be played by Patton Oswalt.
Toy Story (2031)
Listening to the fans and dispensing with the numbered titles, this “soft reboot” of the franchise will see the toys finally reunited with Andy—now a middle-aged, impotent man-child who buys the toys off of eBay in a desperate attempt to recapture his childhood.
2 Toy 2 Story (2035)
Picking up the narrative nearly a century later—with both Andy and Bonnie long gone—the toys wonder if they, too, will ever get to experience the merciful rest that death brings.
Note: Taking into consideration declining ticket sales and the rising cost of salaries, all remaining characters will be portrayed by a Patton Oswalt voice simulator.
TS:AD (2036)
After a poisoned water reserve leaves what’s left of humanity completely sterile, a sudden lack of children forces the toys to kidnap and torture full-grown adults in a grotesque parody of what they once called “play.”
Untitled Live Action Remake (TBA)
Fuck it.
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Brandon Hicks writes plays performed by real people, and draws cartoons performed by fake people. His work has appeared in Splitsider, The Syrup Trap, American Bystander and regularly on The Rumpus, where he also serves as an associate cartoon editor. Unfortunately, he’s also Canadian.