
Your Holiday Streaming Guide
Chris-mas Cuomo- When Santa finds himself in some hot water due to allegations of sexual misconduct from several elves in his employ, will his pal Chris Cuomo be able to save the day by working behind the scenes, gathering exclusive info at his job at a popular news network? (HBO Max)

Other Channels Answer to Shark Week
Tough to compete with Shark Week, but channels have to try! Illustrated list by Bob Eckstein.

Historical Figures Who Deserve to Be on Mt. Rushmore More Than Donald Trump
My brief, feeble attempt at a quarantine mustache. Any puppy ever. And more!

A Summary For My Class On My White House Internship
They tell me that, with how much they promote people, I could probably be running the EPA, HUD, or even state department by next summer.

CARTOON: You Lose! I Win!
I Call No Tag Backs! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

News Stories You May Have Missed During The Kavanaugh Fiasco...
Nudists Not Allowed In Cake Shop, Birdhouse Projects On The Up And Up, and more headlines you missed!

Donald Trump Jr. Resigns
Engulfed in a widening scandal involving a divorce from his wife…

Department Of Defense Itemized Trump Property Charges
This week CNN reported Defense Department employees charged just…

One Weird Day in the Trump White House
Author’s Note:
As your intrepid White House correspondent…

All the New Cable Channels
"Comedy" Central. Reruns of all your classic shows that claim…

Other Cringe-Worthy Lines From Trump's Speech To The Boy Scouts
What is it you boys do? You tie knots and so on, and get…

Fareed Zakaria Declares the Moments Others Truly “Became the President”
“I think Donald Trump became president of the United States.…

Trump Administration Revised Terror Watch List
Meryl Streep

How To Tell If You're Allowed In The White House Press Briefing Room
Your paper has plenty of gratis full-page ads for Ivanka's sassy…