
Despite Recent Events We Will Continue To Sell Our Ghostface Voice Modulator ™
Our financial success during such times do not make these moments any less painful. We'd also like to underscore our significant contributions to charitable organizations and similar tax-deductible philanthropy. To be clear — Murder Manifesto LLC stands united against violence and hatred. We will continue to reflect and pray to prevent such tragic events from occurring again.

Don't sneeze. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

AK Mart and 14 Other NRA approved Wedding Registries
Crate and Gun Barrel, Bed, Blood Bath and Beyond, Target, and more.

CARTOON: eMoated
Then there's a riddle. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Zillow Listing for Ted Cruz’s Special Place in Hell
Why have more than one door when you’ll never leave? This is the paradise you thought was only for other people! Every exquisite feature of this bespoke property reflects your public record. Constructed by Unhallowed Homes and occasionally materializing near Cancun...

CARTOON: GOP in the Room
Vote them out. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Supply Pains
Always stocked and loaded. Today's cartoon by Teresa Burns Parkhurst.

CARTOON: Old Normal
The other virus is back. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

CARTOON: Locked and Loaded
Getting ready for Trumper Dome. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Gun Control Is Important But I Look Hot Wielding an M16
There’s no question our country needs stricter gun legislation to stop senseless violence. But yes, my Tinder picture will remain this cute selfie of me shooting an M16 because it gives me the sex appeal of Blake Lively.

Those Self-important Scientists Warning About The Dangers Of The Plague-infected Giant Rats In America Need To Stay In Their Lane
Whelp, they’re at it again, folks. When will those infectious disease scientists at the so-called Center for Disease Control ever quit their fear-mongering and just do their jobs? Yes, a few of those giant rats Americans love keeping as pets have contracted an illness that’s made them prone to violent outbursts in which they occasionally tear the flesh off their owners’ faces, but these scientists are making it sound like that’s some out of control situation.

The NRA is Attempting to Raise Additional Funds Through the Sale of Cookies Because Those Girl Scout Brats Never Need to Launder Russian Money to Stay Solvent
Since 1871, the NRA has been the backbone of conservative values…

9 Things That Are Definitely More Responsible For School Shootings Than Guns
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says there are too many entrances…

The White House's Nine-Point Plan to Make America's Schools Safe Again
1. Replace PE, music, and art with paramilitary and situational…

NRA Kid Books
We’ve all heard about NRA TV and the gun happy shows they…

If Trump Had Run Into The Florida School Shooting
President Donald J. Trump said this week that if he had been…

Corporate Sponsors Who Have Turned Their Back On The NRA, Surprising Everyone With The Fact That They Were NRA Sponsors In The First Place!
You've heard of rats deserting a sinking ship, right? Well,…

The GOP's Guide To Fun Ways Of Blowing Off Steam After CPAC
Being a soulless, Conservative windbag isn't as easy or fun as…