
CARTOON: A Lifetime of Reading
Bedtime Stories. Today's cartoon by Kyle Bravo.

CARTOON: Bookish Banter
Novel Notions. Today's cartoon by Rachelle Meyer.

CARTOON: Super Powers
The Amazing Literary Cinephile. Today's cartoon by Michael Litwak.

CARTOON: Third Eye Exam
I see a ticket in your future. Today's cartoon by Chris Gural.

I Want You to Have This Book, Which I’ve Read in the Bathroom
The ideal reading experience is on paper, not a screen, because books are tactile. You can tell that this tome has been loved, and now I want to pass it along to you so that you can love it too. The evidence of its having been well-enjoyed is everywhere: Its binding is worn at the edges. Its pages are dog-eared. It has a certain scent.

How Not to Come to Terms with Your Unread Books in Twenty-Five Steps
1) Most were purchased at your local independent bookstore. Take pride that you’ve supported a small business during a pandemic. Remind self that store is currently doing fine, and no more books are needed for now. 2) See books you bought Tuesday and Wednesday. Realize you should have written out step one on Monday...

What You Remember From Your Summer Reading Homework Based On What Kind Of Student You Were
Atlas Shrugged: Overachiever: Everything. It’s your favorite book, in a really annoying way. Average: Not much. You haven’t thought about the book since high school. Terrible: Nothing. You also say it’s your favorite book in a really annoying way.

Children’s Book Ideas For Bored, Out-Of-Touch Celebrities
Little House on the Canaries, Martha Speaks to the Manager, The Very Hungry IRS, and more!

New Trump Books Out This Week
"Who Moved My Cheeseburger?" "Profiles in Cursing" and more!

Must-Have Summer Beach Reads
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid: I was so hungry and weak that all I can remember are the rich descriptions of all the decadent meals the family ate together. I began to suspect the end was near when turkey vultures spent the morning cawing while they circled my body. Despite this, Reid’s masterful description of BBQ inspired me to use the last of my strength to strangle a baboon with my bare hands. It was delicious. Highly recommend this book.

Fun with Dick and Jane Eyre, 50 First Grapes of Wrath, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Groundhog Day, and more #BookARomCom on this week's trending joke game!

The Great Gagsby, Brave New Hurl, Stephen King’s VomIT, and more #BarfyBooks on this week's trending joke game!

Literary Quotations, Revised to Explain the Very Good Decision to Take a Pandemic RV Trip
Charles Dickens — A Tale of Two Cities “It was the best of times, it was easily the worst of times, it was the age of meager research, it was the age of what else is there to do though, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the summerfallwinterspringsummerfallwinterspringsummerfall of despair.”

Agatha Christie Heroine Responds to Trump's Attempted Coup by Taking an Ample Breakfast
Upon reading the news, in the East Chipping Gazette, that US President Donald Trump refused to concede the election – which he lost handily to Joseph R. Biden Jr in both the electoral and popular vote – British murder mystery ingenue Daphne Hammond closed the paper and asked Griselda to bring in a second poached egg, and sugar for the tea.

Updated Classics That Reflect Our Current Times
A Tale Of Two CDCs, Pride & Prejudiced President, Nasty Little Women, and more!

The Weekly Humorist Summer 2020 Reading List
Vowel Movement- My Life On Wheel Of Fortune by Vanna White, My Work With The #MeToon Movement by Jessica Rabbit, Giraffe Prostate Exams For Dummies, and more!

The Fart Of The Deal, The Smell Jar, A Tree Grows in Jersey, and more #StinkyBooks on this week's trending joke game!

I Wish to Apologize for our Class’ “Zoombomber” and his Pedestrian Contributions to our Discussion of To the Lighthouse
This is my fault. I should have ended class the moment AssOlympics began monologuing about how Mrs. Ramsay a “Christ-like” protagonist.

Buy My Book, It Will Protect You from the Coronavirus, Says Author Whose Public Appearances Have All Been Canceled
How can my book protect you, then? Well, for one thing, it’s such a compelling read you won’t want to leave your house, and if you don’t leave your house, you can’t catch anything.

You’re Quite A Catch-22, Lord of the Bar Flies, Jurassic Spark and more #FlirtyBooks on this week's joke game!

The Life of an Ellipsis...
..., [...] ..* and more!

Awkward Interactions Explained by a Guy Who's Read Famous Author Malcolm Gladwell's Books Too Much
So it turns out I thought I had hit mute but accidentally did not. My boss says "Gerald are you okay? We can hear you breathing on the line.". I begin to breathe heavier because famous author Malcolm Gladwell talks about the importance of meditation. I really hope famous author Malcolm Gladwell would be proud of me.

CARTOON: Vision Zero
If I squint, I can see the denial. Today's cartoon by Cerise Zelenetz.

As Your Fiction Workshop Instructor, I Don't Want to Read Anything Less Than Beautiful—Or About Boats
“But what if it starts on a boat, but then the protagonist ends up on an island?” you may ask. To which I respond, “Didn’t I cover that with Defoe? You’re thinking of H.G. Wells, aren’t you, you obstinate monster? Or Charles Dickens’ seldom-discussed shipwrecked narratives, I bet, you contrarian beast? Did I stutter? No. Boats.”

Pop Quiz: Vladimir Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ or Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud’
And the rest is rust and stardust./ Maybe it’s all part of a plan, I’ll just keep on making the same mistakes hoping that you’ll understand. Creepy Book or Pop Song?

CARTOON: NEW KIDS BOOK! 'All My Friends Are Indicted' by Donald J. Trump
If you are a fan of the bestselling "All My Friends Are Dead" series of books then you'll want to pick up this new book hot off the presses!

CARTOON: Black Mirror - Choose Your Own Adventure!
What incredible path will you choose!? Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

Quiz: Literary Journal or Comic Book Villain
Ploughshares, Prometheus, Glimmer Train, Zyzzyva and more.

If The Rules of Fight Club Were Repurposed for Book Club
The first rule of Book Club is: you do not talk about Book Club.

We're putting together a summer reading list so we can go on…

Teddy Ruxpin Story Descriptions for the 21st Century
The world sure has changed a lot since 1985! Teddy is ready…

Reading 10,000 Books a Year is Easy—Just Do What I Do!
Listen to audiobooks to mix it up
Audiobooks are the best! They’re…

The Weekly Humorist Bookshelf
Listen to this article.
What are we reading…

Notes to Melville (Starbuck's)
There in a stark New England room is Herman Melville: white hair,…

Budget Cut Reading List
Trump's budget cuts will no doubt have a negative effect on this…

The Endings Of Those Novels You Were Supposed To Read Over The Summer
A new school year is fast approaching, and I'm willing to bet…