Vegetable-Inspired Halloween Candy No One Wants
Jolly Radishes
Sour Patch Kales
York Bell Peppermint Patties
M&Ms (Mushrooms & Mushrooms)
O-nion Henry!
Peas (with Peas Dispenser)
Baby Ruthabaga
Now and Tater
Everlasting Gobsquasher
Cotton Cabbage
Kinder Eggplant
Bok League Choy
Candy Corn
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Kelley Greene is a writer, performer, and sentient wheel of cheese based in Chicago. She has studied at The Second City and iO, and her work has appeared in Points in Case, Slackjaw, Robot Butt, the compilation book “The Awkward Phase”, and more. You can find her online at kelleygreene.pizza or on Twitter/Instagram @kelleygreene.