What The Wall Will Actually Be Made Of
We have some suggestions.

If money gets really tight, you can also protect the southern border with a copy of Trump’s first book, Art of The Deal (retails for $14.95). After all, if his negotiations with Nancy Pelosi are any indication, the president’s deal-making skills are about as effective as a brick.

In some warehouse outside of New Jersey there has got to be thousands of unsold Trump Steaks™ just sitting there, waiting to be used. Stackable, shapable – this big pile of mediocre meat could make an effective, if malodorous, barrier.

Speaking of rancid meat, why not explore Trump’s “human wall” idea further? A pile of former White House staffers would be just as good as your average fence (and no less transparent).

No country could be as bad as America will be after eight years under Trump. Immigrants have a future to think about, too.
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Brandon Hicks writes plays performed by real people, and draws cartoons performed by fake people. His work has appeared in Splitsider, The Syrup Trap, American Bystander and regularly on The Rumpus, where he also serves as an associate cartoon editor. Unfortunately, he’s also Canadian.