What Your Favorite Writer Says About You
Ernest Hemingway: You’re a dude.
David Foster Wallace: You’re a dude who’s white.
Ayn Rand: You’re, like, super independent and probably have no friends.
Jack Kerouac: You’re thinking about getting a motorcycle license.
Langston Hughes: You’re one of earth’s six living poets.
Sylvia Plath: You’ve been in therapy for fifteen years.
William Shakespeare: You’re pursuing a MFA in theatre and likely unemployed.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky: You think it’s healthy to have a fetish for dark and complex emotions.
Gertrude Stein: You’re a socialite with incomparable taste and prefer the company of artists with emotional baggage.
J.D. Salinger: You’re still going through puberty.
Samuel Beckett: You sometimes can go on, and sometimes cannot go on without GrubHub.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: You’re the world’s biggest fan of Benedict Cumberbatch.
Maya Angelou: You’re woke AF.
Gustave Flaubert: You own all eight seasons of The Real Desperate Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Jorge Luis Borges: You’re prone to dream-like hallucinations about labyrinths constructed out of baba ganoush.
Flannery O’Connor: Your spirit animal is a mix between a Gothic gargoyle and Avril Lavigne.
Leo Tolstoy: You’re happy spending ten years just to read a single book.
Mark Twain: You think KFC did a great job of bringing Mark Twain back to life as Colonel Sanders.
George Eliot: You troll vulnerable men on World of Warcraft by pretending that you’re a woman named OrcPrincess63.
F. Scott Fitzgerald: You love throwing fancy parties for unhappily married women.
Kurt Vonnegut: You think everything is a joke.
Emily Dickinson: You’re one of earth’s other six living poets.
Franz Kafka: You were that one weird kid in elementary school who loved playing with insects.
Oscar Wilde: You’re an aspiring comedian with mediocre one-liners.
Harper Lee: You’re respected by everyone except racists.
Vladimir Nabokov: You love children but not, like, in a creepy way.
Voltaire: You have razor-sharp wit and a croissant stuck up your ass.
Mary Shelley: You’re always that one person who corrects people with, “Guys, Frankenstein was the doctor.”
J.R.R. Tolkien: Your favorite languages are the two Elvish dialects, Quenya and Sindarin. You’ve never been laid.
Jane Austen: You believe in love but, like, in an ironic way.
John Milton: You’re 400-years-old.
Hunter S. Thompson: You’re a dude who occasionally does drugs.
Emily Brontë: You have a sister named Charlotte and everyone always get you two mixed up.
Charlotte Brontë: You’re jealous of your more talented sister.
Marcel Proust: You’re all about style over substance and have an eclair stuck up your ass.
Rumi: You just signed up for your first Ayuhuasca ceremony.
Charles Dickens: You don’t mind writing thirty pages just to describe a bowl of baba ganoush.
Virginia Woolf: Your most endorsed skill on LinkedIn is “Event Planning.”
Dante Alighieri: You’re 700-years-old.
James Joyce: You’re impossible to understand.
Bob Dylan: Really?
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Irving Ruan is a writer and comedian living in the San Francisco Bay Area. His work has been published in McSweeney’s, Funny Or Die, The Bold Italic, The Cooper Review, and elsewhere. You can find him on Twitter, where his tweets are read by hundreds but only three are entertained.