A Look Back on the Beatles, the Worst Band of the 1990s
Certain musical acts are so terrible that they become synonymous with a particular era. You didn’t like them, and it doesn’t seem like anybody you knew liked them, and yet they were omnipresent. We’re talking the Bee Gees in the late ‘70s, or Nickelback in the early 2000s. The absolute worst band of the ‘90s was, of course, the Beatles. How many of these godawful chart-toppers from the band Rolling Stone dubbed “The Forgettable Four” do you remember?
“Real Love”
“Free as a Bird”
“This Is How We Do It In the Road”
“I Want to Hold Your Slap Bracelet”
“Sgt. Pepper’s Baby-Sitters Club”
“She Came in Through the Windows 95”
“Strawberry Dunkaroos Forever”
“Addams Groove”
“Something (In the Way She Does the Cabbage Patch)”
“I’m Too Sexy on This Hard Day’s Night”
“Baby You Can Drive My Forest Green Ford Explorer, Gosh, Everybody Seems to Drive One of Those, Am I Right?”
“Hello Perot”
“I Found a Pog Today (Oh Boy!)”
“I Wanna Be Your Terminator 2”
“With a Little Help from My Friends (Theme from Friends)”
“Penny Hardaway”
“You’re Gonna Lose That Macarena Girl”
“I Saw Her Standing There, By a Phone Booth, Those Are Very Common Still”
“You’ve Made My Heart Go All Achy Breaky”
“Revolution (featuring Rage Against the Machine)”
“Jessica Rigby”
“Geocities Writer”
“P.S. Y2K”
“Back in the U.S.A. (Official Theme Song of the 1994 USA World Cup)”
“If I Fell While Rollerblading”
“Lady Madonna”
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Brian Boone is a contributor to Funny or Die, Someecards, Splitsider, The Chive, and Looper, and his work has appeared on McSweeney’s, StarWipe, and many other fine humor and pop culture destinations. He’s the author of several delightful books, wrote a musical about pirates, and came in third on Jeopardy! once. He will clog your Twitter timeline with dad jokes.