New “I’m Not a Robot” Tests
-What is human empathy?
-Describe the last time you had your heart broken. How was it your fault?
-You’re on a trolley and the rails are broken. You’re about to run into ten workers. Why did you break up with Sharon?
-Bleed for me. Describe the cold metal taste of your own blood and think about who you have wronged.
-Here’s a photo of your family. Click on the people you no longer talk to. Then click on the people who have asked to borrow money.
-Where did you go on your honeymoon? Why was it with that bitch Wendy and not Sharon?
-What were you thinking when you decided to invest in BitCoin. No, seriously. What were you thinking?
-What’s your deepest darkest secret? We won’t tell. We’re just the internet.
-Describe the feeling of holding your child for the first time. Describe your worries for them considering they are now growing up in a world where climate change only has ten years to be curtailed.
-Apologize to Sharon. Call her up on the phone right now and say “Sharon, I was wrong. I left Wendy. Will you marry me?” We’re listening.
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Rachel Keller is a New Jersey based writer and student at NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study. She has studied improv and sketch at the Upright Citizens Brigade. You can find a piece of her hair onscreen in the season finale of Madame Secretary.