Only ‘90s Kids Will Remember All These Great Catchphrases from the Best Jim Carrey Movies
“Do not go in there!”
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
“Ew, this mask smells like farts!”
The Mask
“Poop poop farts, farts farts poop, farty farty poop poop poop!”
Dumb and Dumber
“Nature called and I farted on the phone, wooo!”
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Does this cable smell like farts to you?
The Cable Guy
“So then I guess everybody saw me have diarrhea at the mall! SUPER!”
The Truman Show
“All wiped up then!”
Ace Ventura: Poop Detective
“Did I just poop a penguin? You know I did!”
Mr. Plooper Poops a Penguin
“Hi I’m Andy Kaufman, where’s your restroom?”
Man on the Moon
“Let’s get stinky!”
Dick Fartlington: Fart Detective
“I didn’t fart, JK LOL I did!”
Liar Liar
“I’m soooooo dehydrated!”
Diarrhea Diarrhea
“[Prolonged fart sound]”
Batman Presents: The Riddler’s Gotham City Chili Cookoff Showdown
“I can’t remember the last time I farted.”
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Butt
“Talk about a series of unfortunate events…in my pants!”
A Series of Unfortunate Events
“The number 23? What are we talking about, how many times I just farted?”
The Number 23
“Did you guys hear that fart?”
Horton Hears a Fart
“I supposed that the real reason I hate Christmas is because my dad died on Christmas. Heart attack. Right there under the tree.”
Why the Grinch Stole Christmas
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Brian Boone is a contributor to Funny or Die, Someecards, Splitsider, The Chive, and Looper, and his work has appeared on McSweeney’s, StarWipe, and many other fine humor and pop culture destinations. He’s the author of several delightful books, wrote a musical about pirates, and came in third on Jeopardy! once. He will clog your Twitter timeline with dad jokes.