
Hollywood Memo: I.P. Daily
Star Jaws: An intergalactic space shark threatens the Republic of Planets and a scrappy band of rebels are called in to destroy it.

CARTOON: Skywalking Home
In a galaxy...down the street. Happy Star Wars Day! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter or Traditional Passover Food
Zuckuss? Tzimmes? Hazeret? Just try not to dip your Din Djarin in the salt water.

Lesser Known Characters From The Star Wars Universe
Nanneth Korv: Exotic dancer at the Death Star's gentlemen's club, The Emperor Says "No Clothes!". Frozen in carbonite for causing Darth Vader to suffer messy embarrassment during a lap dance.

Truly Terrible Ways to Make Friends as an Adult
Sharing a taser while storming a government building. Dressing up as Boba Fett to attend a Lord Of The Rings convention. By attempting to telepathically communicate with others in line at the DMV. And more!

Jabba the Husband
(This is Jabba the Hutt’s middle class, suburban life. We see Jabba as a bedraggled commuter, with loosened tie, squashed fedora and a newspaper under his arm.) “What a day I had. You know that servant girl in the gold bikini? She tried to strangle me! Then three guys and this big dog blew up my floating palace.” “Poor baby,” said his wife, Jenna the Hutt. She gave him a big wet sloppy goopy stringy kiss on the forehead.

Excerpts from A Book About A Star Wars Jazz Musician Which Sound Way More Perverted Than They Are (Because George Lucas Named Jazz “Jizz”)
“No one could have anticipated the splash McCool would create with his jizz.” #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay

Conversations That May Have Taken Place Off-Camera
The Wizard Of Oz: Cowardly Lion: I think I'm kind of into her guys. Tin Man: Oh Lion... Cowardly Lion: What should I do? Scarecrow: I think you should tell her. Tin Man: Tell her what? “Hey Dorothy. I know that you're a small town girl from Kansas and I'm a lion, but when all this is over do you want to go to the movies sometime?”

CARTOON: Star Wars: Return of The Audit
In this galaxy, nothing can be certain, except... May The 4th Be with You! Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.

Now that Senator Palpatine Has Deleted His Tweet to “Execute Order 66,” We, Twitter, Will Restore His Tweeting Privileges
And so, if the Senator would like to continue using our platform to further his designs as preeminent Sith lord, to subvert our galaxy’s democratic institutions and establish himself as Galactic Emperor, we strongly urge him to resume doing so in more subtle ways.

Star Wars if All The Bad Guys Refused to Wear Their Masks
Onboard the Death Star, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo try to disguise themselves as Stormtroopers. Everyone recognizes them immediately because Stormtroopers don’t wear masks.

Failed Star Wars Merchandising Tie-Ins
Huggies Anakin Skywalker Transition Diapers: For the toddler that doesn't want to be viewed as a crying baby, but still has occasional bouts with the Dark Side.

Gift Ideas for The Mandalorian Who Has Everything
It's not too late to buy for that hard-to-shop-for person in your life! By Evan Allgood and illustrated by Evan Lian!

Ethics Training for the Galactic Empire
Welcome to the Galactic Empire Ethics Training. Upon completion of this learning module you will take an aptitude test graded by your managing Sith Lord. A failing score is punishable by a force-choke that may result in death, but what we’re really looking for here is effort!

The Tremendous Space Force Planning Meeting
The next twenty-five minutes consists of President Trump going into great detail about what the Space Force line of toys needs to be. Action figures, shuttles, rockets, even a home base control room. Of course, the showcase of the toys is a super fit Donald Trump action figure in a glittering stars and stripes Mylar jumpsuit. The little guy is surprisingly pulling off those knee-high boots.

Star Wars The Last Jedi Blu-ray Bonus Features
Commentary Tracks
Director’s Commentary Rian Johnson…

The Real Reasons That Fans Are So Upset By The New Star Wars Movie
There is a disturbance in the Force. Or perhaps its simply…

SOMEWHERE IN THE GALAXY - Finally equipped with a simple voice…