What’s On The DVR?
Pixar Presents Keeping Up With The CARdashians
Disney’s Pixar Studios presents the lively adventures of the Kardashian clan, re-imagined as a lovable family of animated automobiles. In this episode, the rest of the family react with jealousy and anger regarding Kim’s larger-than-average trunk space.
Disney Channel
It’s Pickles The Clown!
When Angus Flea, an ambitious puppeteer on the fast track to success, suffers an accident that results in the loss of both arms, he assumes that his career is over. In a last-ditch effort to save himself, he has a face painted onto his butt-cheeks, dubbing it Crackers The Clown. In this episode, an overzealous youngster attempts to feed Crackers a pickle.
My Three Sons Of Sam
It’s upstairs without any supper for the boys when Uncle Charlie discovers yet more blood-soaked ladies garments in the upstairs laundry hamper (Repeat).
TV Land
For Better Or Norse (formerly The Vickie Viking Show)
When teenaged Vickie has a group of friends over for a slumber party, she pleads with her dad not to walk around the house in his underwear, or rape and pillage her friends.
A Show About Superheroes
Movies about superheroes are really big business, so why not a TV show about same? Sure, okay, our special effects budget isn’t that great, and the plot/dialogue is hastily patched together by alcoholic ex-Who’s Th’ Boss writers, but still, give it a chance! Like we said, you can watch it at home, and for free! No need to get a babysitter even!
Women Say The Darndest Things
New program hosted by American comedy icon and noted serial rapist Dr. William H. Cosby.
Hodor Hoarders
New series that details the alarming similarities between smelly, hygiene-challenged hoarders and Games of Thrones enthusiasts. Hosted by an overweight albino with extreme psoriasis.
America’s Got Toe-Lint
Program that acknowledges that most Americans are talentless idiots, and so instead focuses on their far more interesting toe lint. Judging performed by the cast of Big Brother, who are then taken behind the studio and beaten to death with jagged chunks of cinder block.
That’s Our Pop!
Daryl and the gang learn an important lesson in family unity and togetherness when they must come together and administer an emergency enema to the fourth-place winner of the Annual Wilford Brimley Look-Alike contest.
(In English with Dutch subtitles)
- About the Author
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Kit has been a regular contributor to MAD magazine for over ten years, and has also been regularly published by National Lampoon, Playboy, The American Bystander, Funny Or Die, SpongeBob Squarepants Comics, Points In Case and many others. His work has been called “sort of like ‘The Far Side’, but more offbeat and often much funnier” by people who should clearly know better. He lives with his wife and two dogs, all of whom do their best to tolerate his presence