Cereal Prizes for Adults
An actually good pair of tweezers @chrisforfree
Coupon for more cereal @chrisforfree
Health insurance @deadfrog
That really good kind of pen you like @martydundics
Smelling salts @DavidMcGlofflin
Cracker Jack flavored condom @BoazDror
Fiber @AdamPasulka
The name of a good accountant. @AdamSacks
Reading glasses @amieroewastaken
An Otterbox phone case @amieroewastaken
Student loan forgiveness @leighcesiro
Thermostat @DavidMcGlofflin
A toy you can choke on but it melts in your mouth since you live alone @strangevista
A Hall Pass @GregCartin
A time machine @GregCartin
That missing sock @AdamPasulka
Summer Friday @AdamPasulka
Loose tea @AdamPasulka
A 15 min nap @AdamPasulka
An ultrasound you can post on social media @amieroewastaken
Sensible shoes with arch support @amieroewastaken
Stock @amieroewastaken
A skin care regimen @amieroewastaken
A voucher to go get something waxed @amieroewastaken
An explanation of what exactly TikTok is. @AdamSacks
A scratch off ticket @amieroewastaken
A therapy gift certificate @amieroewastaken
A nice foot soak @amieroewastaken
Extra pacifier @amygcb
Noise canceling headphones @amygcb
CVS receipt @amygcb
“I’m wearing pants today” medal @amygcb
A tube of arthritis cream @DanMullenComedy
A millennial slang decoder ring @DanMullenComedy
Windshield wiper @amieroewastaken
A garage door opener @amieroewastaken
Wedding decoder ring @gmulz
klonopin @ali_sivi
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