Lost Dr. Seuss Book: Fox in Socks 2: A Descent Into Madness- Much Worse Then The Others!
Beloved children’s author Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, has been under increased scrutiny in recent days due to racist and offensive imagery in some of his books. Responding to public pressure, his estate has even agreed to stop publishing six of Seuss’ works, including And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1937). What the Geisel estate has not admitted, however, is that when Dr. Seuss died in 1991, he left behind literally hundreds of unpublished manuscripts, mostly unfinished and definitely not suitable for children. In the ensuing years, very little of this material has ever been presented to the public for fear that it would dilute the author’s still profitable brand or tarnish his image.
A look through these disturbing documents shows that racism was just one of Dr. Seuss’ many problems. Presented below is a fragment from Geisel’s unpublished Fox in Socks 2: A Descent Into Madness. It’s clear from the following poem, written in human or possibly animal blood on butcher’s paper, that Geisel’s mind was failing him in his autumn years.

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Originally from Flint, MI, but now making his home in the suburbs of Chicago, Joe Blevins is a self-described darkener of doorsteps and a chronicler of all things that truly do not matter. Of late, he has been wasting the time of readers through The A.V. Club, Splitsider, and his own blog, Dead 2 Rights, which used to be about zombies before those became a cliche. Now it’s about god knows what.