
Teenage Mutant Ninja Box Turtles, Resident Eagle, Snake invaders, and more #VeterinarianVideoGames on this week's trending joke game!

12 Lays of Christmas, We Threesome Kings, Jingle balls, and more #CarnalCarols on this week's trending joke game!

New Holiday Travel Road Games
Mad Libtards: While stopping for dinner at a Cracker Barrel in the middle of nowhere (there was literally no other place within 50 miles, sue me), how many times and in different ways do the locals use the word “libtard” to describe basic acts of human decency? Too many to count, get the fuck out of there!!

Nikki Hurley, Ba-yack Obama, Upchuck Schumer , and more #PukeAPolitician on this week's trending hashtag game!

Parqueasy, Spew-no, Splattergories, and more #BarfyBoardgames on this week's trending joke game!

Best in Snow, Reality Frostbites, Cold School, and more #ColdComedyMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Earth, Wind, and Fireworks, Red, White and Blue Chili Peppers, The BunTing-Tings, and more #PatrioticPopBands on this week's trending joke game!

GOPlayer One Go!
CPAC-Man: You're CPAC-Man, darting around the maze-like corridors of CPAC, gobbling up donor funds and seedy political favors while also trying to avoid Nazis who have made themselves cozy at the convention. Keep an eye out for those guys, they're sneaky; before you know it photos of you standing right next to a Nazi salute could be a trending story on MSNBC, which could end your game! Ah, who're we kidding? No one on the conservative side will care about that kind of thing anyway. This game has endless lives.

Retch-a-Sketch, Scare Bears, American Ghoul Doll, and more #TerrorToys on this week's trending joke game!

WordleBot Here, and Your Gameplay Analysis Has Me a Little Concerned
You’ve given up, haven’t you? Look, it’s only a game and I’m a rapidly advancing AI programmed to solve this puzzle in four turns or less practically every day. If my feedback comes across as patronizing, I sincerely apologize. I’m not bad, I’m just written that way! No? Nothing? Like I said, humor is tough, but secondhand depression is more palpable. One more turn.

Tabooze, Connect Pour, Guess Who got drunk, and more #BoozyBoardGames on this week's trending joke game!

Kink 182, Buns n Roses, Nippleback, and more #SexyRockBands on this week’s trending joke game!

Crappn, Farters Only, EwwwHarmony, and more #FartyDatingApps on this week's trending joke game!

Brooklyn Wine Wine, S*M*A*S*H*E*D, According to Gin, and more #DrunkSitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

The Lust Boys, The Princess Ride, When Harry Wet Sally, and more #Slutty80sMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Staying’ Alive, Staying’ Alive, Supreme Court Vs America, I want a refund, and more #2022in4words on this week's trending joke game!

All I want for Christmas is Poo, Doo you hear what I hear?, Jingle Smells, and more #CrappyChristmasCarols on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Wordle Whoas
Finally, peace. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Creature From The Bank Lagoon, Michael Buyers, Accountant Dracula, and more #MoneyAMonster on this week's trending joke game!

Kill Kat, Milky Slay, Scar burst, and more #KillerCandies on this week's trending joke game!

Casketball, Fear Pong, Spooks and Ladders, and more #GhoulishGames on this week's trending joke game!

How NFL Teams Got Their Names
New York Giants: The team is named after New Yorker Elmer Alvin Doe’s masterpiece “The Giant,” with the famous line: Quoth the Giant “Nah-vermore.”

Fantastic Beefs, Harry Farter, Suicide Squat, and more #FartyFantasy on this week's trending joke game!

Hot Boxing, Ping Bong, Kentucky Doobie, and more #PotSports on this week's trending joke game!

Iron Maiden Deficiency, Motley Croup, Food POISONing, and more #HeavyMetalMaladies on this week's trending joke game!

Yuck Woolery, Lames Corden, Drool Carey, and more #RoastAHost on this week's trending joke game!

Scabbage, Dead Crumbs, Creature from the Black Legume, and more #GhoulishGroceries on this week's trending joke game!

New York Melts, Colorado Rocky Road, Oakland Sorbets, and more #IceCreamBaseballTeams on this week's trending joke game!

The Pied Diaper, Little Bowel Peep, The Magic Toot, and more #FartyFairyTales on this week's trending joke game!

The Mucus Man, Anything Flows, Damp Yankees, and more #WetMusicals on this week's trending joke game!

Monopoly for Millennials: The Updated Rulebook
Preparation: Each player chooses one token to represent themself while traveling around the board. Tokens include: Oat Milk, iPhone with Cracked Screen, Weed Gummy Bear, Podcast Microphone, Ill-Fitting Bridesmaid Dress (must replace after each use), Zoloft Tablet, Laughing Crying Face Emoji, Thimble - Each player starts with $1,500, but some players must give the Banker $100 every 10 minutes, in an effort to pay off their student debt.

Thaw and Order, Chill St Blues, Coldlumbo, and more #CopCopShows on this week's trending joke game!

International House of Paincakes, Steak n Sheik, Au Bon Pin, and more #WrestlingRestaurants on this week's trending joke game!

Barf Rescue, Say Yes To The Mess, Outhouse Hunters, and more #RancidRealityShows on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Medical Marvel
And he works for prize tickets. Today's cartoon by Lynn Hsu.

Tragic 8 Ball, Fearby, Speak & Hell, and more #TerrifyingToys on this week's trending jokes game!

The Book of Boba Wett, Wet World, The Good, The Bath and The Ugly, and more #WetWesterns on this week's trending jokes game!

Dreaded Wheat, CrankyBerry, Peanut Bitter Crunch, and more #SurlyCereals on this week's trending joke game!

Play FRUGLE! The New Word Game That Will Never Go Up Behind A Paywall
Call a friend and ask them to think of a five letter word but not tell you what it is. Guess the word.

The King and Fungi, Oklahumid!, Sweaty Jersey Boys, and more #MoldyMusicals on this weeks trending joke game!

Wilson Cricket, Fly Stallone, Gnat King Cole, and more #BugACelebrity on this week's trending joke game!

Aggressive Optical Illusions
Is this a perfect square? Or is perfection a foreign concept to someone like you?

Boobberry, Vice Krispies, Lusty Charms, and more #SinfulCereals on this week's trending joke game!

Ghoul Log, The Hills Have Pies, The Last Gingerbread House On The Left, and more #HorrorAHolidayFood on this week's trending joke game!

The Salmon Clause, Rudolphin the Red-Nosed Reindeer, It's a Flounderful Life, and more #FishAChristmasMovie on this week's trending joke game!

The Most Dangerous Game Night: Ways To Spice Up Boring Old Board Games
Connect Four: Connect four game discs coated with honey, then several dozen bees sporadically allowed into gaming room. Chutes & Ladders: Game played on actual ladders. Twister: Game mat placed on a small platform suspended over a tank of great white sharks. And more!

W*A*S*H, Boy Meets Swirled, King of the Spill, and more #WetSitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

Yankenstein, Sleepy Swallow, An American Werewolf in Linda, and more #HornyHorrorMovies on this week's trending joke game!

Arizona Cannibals, The Cincinnati Mangles, Boo England Patriots, and more #FrighteningFootball on this week's trending joke game!

The Pear Witch Project, Dragon fruit me to hell, Strawscaries, and more #HorrorFruit on this week's trending joke game!

The Jokra, Hannibal Lettuce, Gourd Voldemort, and more #VeggieAVillain on this week's trending joke game!

Laverne and ssssssshirley, Fresh Off The Bite, Serpent Strangers, and more #SnakeASitcom on this week's trending joke game!

Dickles, Pop-Farts, Vomints, and more #GrossGroceries on today's trending joke game!

The Grateful Deadpool, Flash Mouth, Green Day Lantern, and more #SuperheroABand on this week's trending joke game!

Brooklyn 99 Degrees, Welcome Back Hotter, Saved By The Hell, and more #SizzlingSitcoms on this week's trending joke game!

Rum Raging. Ben & Angry, Pissed-tachio, and more #IrateIceCream on this week's trending joke game!

The Pawffice, Dharma and Beg, Brooklyn K99, and more #DogASitcom on this week's trending joke game!

Pizza Butt, Jizzler, Booger Fling, and more #RevoltingRestaurants on this week's trending joke game!

Caddyshark , Roadkill Trip, Animal House of Horrors, and more #TerrifyingTeenComedies on this week's trending joke game!

Fun with Dick and Jane Eyre, 50 First Grapes of Wrath, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Groundhog Day, and more #BookARomCom on this week's trending joke game!

Redd Foxgloves, Jimmy Hosta, Lou Weed, and more #FamousFlowers on this week's trending joke game!

Rumpledforeskin, The Pied Peeper, Puss 'n Boobs, and more #FriskyFairyTales on this week's trending joke game!

Root Beer Gloat, Dumb Raisin, Cookie Duh, and more #InsultingIceCream on today's trending joke game!

English Puffins, Baked Eggs, Pot Tarts, and more #WeedABreakfast on this week's trending joke game!

Sonic the Attention Hog, Mine All MineCraft, Self-CenterPede, and more #VainVideoGames on this week's trending joke game!

Chutes and Ladders: Vaccine Edition
To play: On your turn, spin the spinner and move your pawn, square by square, until you reach the final square, where you will receive your Covid-19 vaccine at your local fairgrounds. Throughout the game, try your best to jump the line by landing on ladders and avoiding pitfalls that will send you spiraling down chutes, relegating you to additional days, months, and maybe years of pandemic depression.

Limerick and Morty, Danny Boy Meets World, Saved by the Belfast, and more! It's #IrishATvShow on this week's trending joke game!

SlinkedIn, Crapchat, Dreaddit, and more #SinisterSocialMediaApps on this week's trending joke game!

Humplings, Legs Benedict, Flirt Steak, and more #LustyLunches on this week's trending joke game!

While You Were Seeping, Rotting Hill, How to Lose a Sty in 10 Days, and more #RevoltingRomComs on this week's trending joke game!

Stock Traitors, Hateress, Loon Officer, and more #JeerAJob on this week's trending joke game!

Oops...I Impeached Him Again, Putin on the Ritz, Filibust A Move, and more #PoliticalPopSongs on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Lil Donnie Gifts
It starts early. Today's cartoon by Ron Hauge.

The Cold and the Beautiful, Snots Landing, Days of our Hives, and more #SickSoapOperas on this weeks trending joke game!

Electric Blanket Orchestra, The Brrrrryrds, Hall & Coats, and more #ColdABand on this week's trending joke game!

Ads For Products You Never Wanted
Winner's Rubix Cube: Did you like fidget spinners? Do you want to feel smart without doing any work to get there? Soothe your ego with a Winner's Rubix Cube.

Brittle Shop of Horrors, Fry Fry Birdie, Pies & Dolls, and more #FoodAMusical on this week's trending joke game!

Betty White Knuckles, Harried Styles, ProZac Efron, and more #StressedCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

Motel 666, Ben and Scary's, L.L. Speen, and more #HorrorABusiness on this weeks trending joke game!

Scream of Tartar, Oreganoooo, Boosil, Goryander, and more #SpookySeasons on this week's trending joke game!

Lima Screams, The Texas Coleslaw Massacre, Kales from the Crypt, and more #HorrorVeggies on this week's trending joke game!

Sighclops, Sass quatch, Moodusa, and more #MoodyMonsters on this week's trending joke game!

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Cho, LeBron James and the Giant Peach, The Ceelo Green Mile, and more #CelebABook on this week's trending joke game!

Burger Kings of Leon, Uncle Cracker Barrel, Maroon 5 Guys, and more #RockBandRestaurants on this week's trending joke game!

Rots Landing, Falcon Crust, The Mold and the Beautiful, and more #StinkySoapOperas on this week's trending joke game!

Bold Predictions for the 2020/21 NFL Season
Philadelphia: Knowing that they are scientifically unable to spread the virus, all the players from the Philadelphia Eagles will be replaced by actual eagles.

The Da Vinci Choad, Charlotte’s Web Search History, Gone Hurl, and more #NauseatingNovels on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Not A Chance Card
Just one more scroll...Today's cartoon by Ernio Hernandez.

Panic! At The Dildo, Spinal WAP, Death Cab for Booty, and more #RaunchyRockBands on this week's trending joke game!

Pissedtachio, Moose Traps, Butterface Pecan, and more #MeanIceCream in this week's trending joke game!

Old Spice Girls, Fart Simpson, N*STINK, and more #SmellyCelebs on this week's trending joke game!

Bike & Ikes, Smelly Ranchers, B.O. Henry, and more #SweatySweets on this week's trending joke game!

Coke Zero Friends, Sunpissed, Ginger Fail, and more #SadSodas in this week's trending joke game!

Raggedy Anne Hathaway, GI Joan Collins, Pog the Bounty Hunter, and more #CelebAToy on this week's trending joke game!

McRibbed For Her Pleasure, Side Chick-fil-A, Legg McMuffin, and more #FlirtyFastFood on this week's trending joke game!

Frosted mini weeps, Honeycombover, Bloatmeal, and more #SadCereals on this week's trending joke game!

The Fart Of The Deal, The Smell Jar, A Tree Grows in Jersey, and more #StinkyBooks on this week's trending joke game!

Honeydon’t, Sour Grapes, Mango to hell, and more #FuriousFruits on this week's trending joke game!

The Tiger King and I, A Little Fright Music, Gaslight Express, Jared and the Amazing Technicolor Dumbass, and more #EvilMusicals on this week's trending joke game!

French Nip, BLTease, Jon Hamm & Chesse, and more #SexySandwiches on this week's trending joke game!

The Mamas and the Pastas, Justin Beefer, David Lee Broth, and more #BandAFood on this week's trending joke game!

CARTOON: Puzzle Love
Puzzling Love. Today's cartoon by Grayson Gibbs.

Rules of POLITICS the Board Game
Grab dice from other player’s hand, chuck across room and move pieces on board while America is looking the other way.

Grim & Tonic, Mountain Blue, Red Whine, and more #DepressedDrinks on this week's trending joke game!

Master Baking, Morning Wood Working and Crotchet and more #hornyhobbies in our trending joke game!

'Blouse Trap', 'Go Fist', 'Sorry, Wrong Hole'. Oh my, things got adult and we trended with #NaughtyBoardGames on this week's joke game!

Cherry Pieden, Butter Emails, Bundtigieg Cake, and more #DemocratDesserts on this week's joke game!

Dongs and Bongs, Weed harmony, Stumble, and more #StonerDatingApps on this week's trending joke game!

'Saved by the Smell', 'Funky Brewster', 'Welcome Back, Farter' and more #StinkySitcoms on this week's joke game!

CARTOON: Measured Excitement
Let's get deep. Today's cartoon by Phil Witte.

Lint Chocolate Chip, Rocky RoadKill, Wookies & Cream and more #IckyIceCream on this weeks joke game!

Chill Bill, Frosty/Nixon, Scarf Face, Frost in Space and more #SnowmanAMovie on this week's jokes game!

Cards Against Sean Hannity
We can all agree that 'Cards Against Humanity' is a nifty game, right? We got to thinking, though, and came to the conclusion that, since Sean Hannity isn’t technically an actual human, he should get his own version of the game. Only seems fair, we figure. So we took real Hannity quotes to make...

Hater Tots, Scream Beans, & Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Angry Lonely Chicken! It's #MoodyMenuItems on this week's joke game!

'Quit the vape, get in shape', 'I resolve to evolve', 'Try to get more sleep and be less of a creep', and more #RhymeAResolution on this week's joke game!

Space Force Invaders, Sonic the Hedgefund Manager, Amazon Primecraft and more #ArcadeTheDecade on our weekly joke game!

Santa Claws is coming to town, Do They Know It’s Catsmas, God Rest Ye Meowy Gentlemen, and more #CatAChristmasCarol on this week's joke game!

The Fantasy Football Team of Gerald Lasseter, Age 14
To show my willingness to cooperate with Dr. Daverol’s delusions of grandeur, I will graciously allow my opponents to begin each football tournament with a roll of Farjali, my personal 12-sided die. Now, would one lacking even the basics of social norms ever consider making such an offer? I think not.

Leeches and Cream Pie, Crapple pie, Key Lyme and more #RuinAPie on this week's hashtag joke game!

Rainbow Fright, Indiana Bones, Scooby-Doom and more #Haunted Heroes on our weekly joke game!

Benedict Pumpkinpatch, Tiffany Radish, Spuddy Holly and more #CelebAVegetable on this week's joke game!

Saved By The Bellini, BoJack and Coke Horseman, Hill Street Booze and more #TVcocktails on this week's joke game!

New Rules for Classic Games
Sorry: In this reboot of the classic board game winning involves finding a way to not say sorry or even accept responsibility for anything you’ve done. Bonus points are awarded if you can find a way to work the phrase “Sorry, not sorry” into an appearance on a mainstream news panel.

I'm Hooked On A Riesling, Every Rosé Has it's Thorn. Into The Grape Wide Open, and more #WineASong on this week's joke game!

Butternut Sasquash, Back to Skool-Aid, Pumpkin Lice and more #FailedFallFlavors on our weekly joke game!

Downward Spiral, Lazy Dog, Remote Control Reach and more #BadYogaPoses on our weekly joke game!

The Rolling Stoves, Central Air Supply, Backstreet Boils, and more #BlisteringBands!

Raiders of the Lost Carp, Death Fish, Get Trout and more #FishAnActionMovie on this week's hashtag game!

Horny Nut Cheerios, Bedded Wheat, Porn Flakes and more #SexyCereals on our weekly joke game!

King of Creams, Family Pies, Berried...With Children, and more #SitcomAPie!

Wedgie Salad, Sneezer Salad, ColeSlaughter and more #SadSalads!

Hearse-Back Riding, Catfishing, Anal Beading and more #FailedCampActivities!

Wimbledon Bingo!
Keep you eyes peeled for the pigeon and the hairpiece! Go balls!

'How To Lose A Pie In 10 Days', 'Dove, Actually', '50 first cakes', and more #RomComDesserts!

The Weakest Drink, Vermouth or Consequences, Beer Factor and more #DrunkGameShows!

Most Likely to Impede, Reddest Eyes On Monday Morning, Brownest Nose and more #OfficeSuperlatives!

Midnight in the Olive Garden of Good and Evil, Tortellini Recall, A Fusilli Good Men and more #PastaFlicks

Of Mice and Muenster, Pride and Provolone, East of Edam, and more #CheesyLiterature!

CARTOON: Monetary Pains
When passing go passes you by. Today's cartoon by Steve McGinn.

Good Night Court, Snooze the Boss, Friendzzz and more #SleepySitcoms!

From Here To Maternity, Raiders of the Lost Matriarch, 10 Things I Hate About Your Dirty Room and more #MomAMovie in this week's trending game!

Gin Blossoms, Black Out Susans, Drunk Off My Aster and more #DrunkFlowers

Health Inspector Gadget, Charlie Frown, Muppet Scabies and more #SadCartoons