
Dear Dad From Bluey, Happy Father’s Day – Thank You For Raising Me

Although it’s often overlooked, Father’s Day is truly one of the most important holidays of the year. Being a father is a full-time job (and an incredibly difficult one as well). Which is why, this Father’s Day, I would just like to take some time to thank the one man in my life who supported me, cared for me, and single-handedly turned me into the thoughtful and conscientious person that I am today.


Dear dad from the animated children’s show Bluey… thank you. Thank you for raising me.


Dad from Bluey, every day you inspire me to become a better man than the one I was the day before. Your unflinching kindness and compassion have strengthened my heart, my mind, and my soul. And, even though I am not a fictional, dark blue, anthropomorphic Australian Cattle Dog (like yourself), I know that I’m so, so lucky to have met you.


Thank you, dad from Bluey. I love you.


You’re always there for me, dad from Bluey. No matter where I am, no matter what time of day it is, whenever I’m feeling sad and low, I know that I can always count on you to make my life a little brighter.


For example, the first night I moved to Chicago right after college, I was feeling lost, alone, and more than a little frightened. So I reached out to the one man in my life who I knew could cheer me up… and I watched the Bluey episode “Café,” where you befriended another dog dad in the playground by pretending that you two were both eating at a restaurant. Dad from Bluey, you taught me that no matter what age you are, that it’s never too late to start making friends. You taught me that, dad from Bluey.


And last year, after I broke up with my long-term girlfriend, I felt like no one would ever love me again. Or, at least, I did until I watched the episode “The Magic Xylophone,” where it was revealed that you had been picking your nose the first time that you met your future wife, the anthropomorphic Red Heeler dog Chilli. And I realized in that moment that, when love is true, minor personality quirks will never be able to stand in the way of the rich tapestry of mutual devotion.


I could never have that kind of a breakthrough with my real father. Hell, I can’t even imagine having that kind of a conversation with him. But you, dad from Bluey, you’re the one man I can trust to always steer me in the right direction.


Dad from Bluey, time and time again, you have provided for me, and you have protected me. You have cared for me, and you have always treated me with patience, kindness, and dignity. You have taught me, believed in me, nourished me, and sacrificed for me.


And I’ll always be thankful that you did.


And, look, I get that you’re not perfect, dad from Bluey. In the episode “Whale Watching,” you and Chilli were too tired to play with your children after staying up too late at a New Year’s Eve party. And in “Dance Mode,” you bribed your daughter, Bingo, with a $20 bill in order to prevent her from activating the titular ‘dance mode,’ which would have forced you to dance embarrassingly in public. And in the episode “Unicorse,” you were honestly kind of a jerk to your wife and daughter… And there weren’t really any consequences to this, which was just kind of weird.


But throughout all of your flaws, you never stopped trying to be a better man, a better dog, and a better father for your two fictional children (who are also Australian Cattle Dogs). And, as a result, you never stopped becoming a better father figure to me. Which is why I just wanted to take this time to celebrate your incredible legacy.


Happy Father’s Day, dad from Bluey. Thank you. Thank you for being there. Thank you for everything. Today I’m honoring you and all that you have done for me.


Also, now that I think about it, if I’m writing an article like this, I guess I should probably thank my own dad too, or something… so, if you’re reading this right now, happy Father’s Day, pops.

You were no dad from Bluey, but you still did fine.