Free Titles For Your Right-Wing Memoir
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will release a book early next year amid speculation that he could be gearing up for a 2024 presidential campaign, CNN has learned.
According to a person familiar with the matter, the autobiography from the Republican governor is due to be released on February 28 and will be titled “The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.”
Among the first rank of likely challengers, Trump’s vice-president, Mike Pence, released a memoir last month and Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, will follow suit in February.
Other possible candidates include the former secretary of state Mike Pompeo (book out next year); the Missouri senator Josh Hawley (one book done, another coming); the former UN ambassador Nikki Haley (two books out already); and the South Carolina senator Tim Scott (book published in August, including an inadvertent admission that he is going to run). Even Marco Rubio, the GOP’s great slight hope until Trump took him to the cleaners in 2016, has another book coming.
The Courage of Bravery: The Strength To Be Strong
Fixing Florida By Focusing On Myself First
By My Ferragamo Bootstraps: Spitting Out the Silver Spoon
Liberty and Justice for Those Of My Choosing
An American Man Under an American Sun in America
Earning My Place: Blood, Sweat, and Phone Calls to My Father
The Beta Years: From Frat Star to Fascist
Reframing Totalitarianism
CANCELED by the Woke Mob
Overcoming Cancellation: My Redemption Arc
Quitters Never Win: Pro Tips for Pro Life
Golden Retrievers, The Second Amendment, and The Unborn
One Nation Under Me God
Manhood: Testosterone’s Triumph Against Persecution
The Audacity of My Female Colleagues
Setting My Boundaries: Building The Wall
All American Reject: Shadow Banned By Big Tech Bastards
Reaching Across The Aisle and Groping Around A Bit
Cry Me A River: Accountability and Other Myths
Democracy Cuckolded
Never Give An Inch: Don’t Admit You’re 5’11
Here’s Tucker!
No Means Yes: Failure Is Not An Option
Not Like Other Girls: A Woman With War Crimes
Cancel Cancel Culture: Canceling Cancelation
Me First and You Maybe
My Pride and My Prejudice
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Madeline is a writer based in New York with her collie, Oskar.