I’m a Risk Taker
Oh, you don’t believe me? Well, I’ll prove it to you.
I walked right into a crosswalk without even looking to see if a car was coming. That’s right. I’m confident as fuck that I’m making it to the other side without incident.
Still don’t get what a risk-taking motherfucker I am?
I put my frozen pizza into the oven without preheating and then guesstimated how long it’s going to take it to cook. Yeah, that’s right, no timers for this risk-taking mother fucker.
I arrived at the airport 1 hour and 45 minutes before my departure time. I wasn’t even TSA pre-checked. Ris…kay.
I reset my iPhone to factory settings without backing it up. That wasn’t such a great idea. If you could send me your info, I need to re-enter your information into my phone.
I see you need more proof.
I ate some yogurt yesterday. It was expired by 48 hours. You heard me. 48 hours!
I’ll keep going.
I mounted my sweet 3 speed Shimano Nexus Hybrid bicycle and rode two blocks before realizing I forgot to put on my helmet. I opted to walk my bike back home and get my helmet because they help prevent traumatic brain injuries! Risk bay-bee!
I’m a cycling champ and still taking risks.
I played Super Mario Odyssey and didn’t look up any walkthroughs on YouTube. Wuuuttttt?
For a hot minute, I thought maybe vaccines cause Autism. I actually did my research and instead of using a fucking essential oils diffuser as a way to cure diseases, I went ahead and had my kids vaccinated like a mother-fucking caring member of society. Science is real bitches.
I used all the outlets on the power strip under my desk. That’s right. I used a piece of equipment in the manner that was intended. BUH-BAM.
You got that right, I used the popcorn button on the microwave and walked away. Who has two thumbs and takes risks?
I’m like the fucking Energizer Bunny. Risks keep on going.
I turned my car on without knowing if the volume was turned up or down on the radio.
I used a public bathroom. Wait there’s more. I chose the stall where the lock didn’t work right but had to pee so bad I didn’t change stalls and since there wasn’t any toilet seat covers left, I hovered over the toilet while I peed. I did all of that with my phone in my pocket. Take that Evel Knievel.
I didn’t wait 30 minutes before going swimming. This mofo takes risks.
Oh, you put the “do not disturb” sign on at hotels? Cool. Cool. I like to live on the edge, so, yeah, fuck that!
I didn’t vote in the last presidential elections because I didn’t like my choices. Yeah, okay, that wasn’t a good choice. I won’t do that again. My bad.
Like I said, I’m a risk-taking motherfucker!
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Lauren is the Director of AdLib Theatre where she performs improv comedy weekly. She has been published in publications such as Points in Case, Robot Butt, The Belladonna Comedy, Weekly Humorist, and Slackjaw. You can learn more at www.laurenhasthree.com