
Truly Terrible Fathers' Day Gifts
World’s #1 Dad, Is What I Told The Parole Board Mug, And More!

A Senator’s Holiday Gift Guide For His Secret Girlfriend
Following her back on Instagram from your official government account. Breaking it off with your second slightly more secret girlfriend. A dog. She needs emotional support from somewhere. And more!

CARTOON: Knee Slap
Greedy needy. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper

Santa’s Most Surprisingly Requested Gifts
This Is Not A Vibrator! Personal Massager: Comes packaged in a container with “This Is Not A Vibrator!” printed in bold type to let the others celebrating the holiday with you know that, in no uncertain terms, this personal massager is definitely not going to be used as a mechanical penis.

Top Humor Books Gift Guide 2021
Between supply chain shortages, lingering pandemic, and the de facto legalization of coup attempts, everything is still a mess, and we know you’ve been too preoccupied with your ongoing nervous breakdown to get your shopping done. Lucky for you, Humorist Books is here with our 2021 Holiday Humor Book Gift Guide!

20 Mugs To Get Your Dad For Father’s Day Because You Don’t Really Know Him
“I LOVE YOU” MUG This feels aggressive. “WE LOVE YOU” MUG You don’t want to speak for your siblings. And more.

Last Minute Mothers' Day Gift Ideas
Tapioca Rocca- Our catchy nickname for the hottest gift this Mothers' Day, a miniature sculpture of Al Roker made entire of tapioca pudding! And while it is indeed the hottest gift of this season, don't actually get it hot, or even warm. The smell is just horrible.

CARTOON: Naughty Deployment
Most of this is just for The White House. Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

Now That's What I Call Christmas! 2020
Rudolph, The Disgraced Lawyer, All I Want For Christmas Are My Two Vaccines, Do You Fear What I Fear? And more!

The Dystopian Holiday Gift Catalog
Virtual Fam Holographic Family Projector- $575.99 : Not able to see your relatives this holiday? Virtual Fam’s got you covered. Our new holographic projector creates 3D simulations of various family members, ranging from grandparents and godparents to nephews, nieces and in-laws. We make sure to project each individual’s best qualities, while deleting the more troublesome parts of their personalities.

Santa's Secrets
Accidentally stepped on your cat a few years ago, but brought it back using Christmas Magic; that's why its been acting like the cat from Pet Semetary recently.

CARTOON: Cyber Monday
When the Internet God created coupon codes. Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole.

Ads For Products You Never Wanted
Winner's Rubix Cube: Did you like fidget spinners? Do you want to feel smart without doing any work to get there? Soothe your ego with a Winner's Rubix Cube.

Popular Scented Candles of 2020
Face Mask: Revolutionary technology that uniquely captures the fragrance of your own breath.

Nine Quagmires You Can Only Understand If You Are a Teenage Worker Working at Edible Arrangements the Week Prior to Valentine’s Day
6) You instinctively dip your hand into the vat of hot milk chocolate to retrieve the AirPod and you burn your fingers.

Hey America! What Are You Leaving Out for Your Delivery Drivers?
“The ashes of democracy.” Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg

CARTOON: Gift Of Thanks
Giving the gift of thanks. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

Gift Guide for Everyone in Your Godforsaken Life, Including Karen
Your Ex: Like last year, and the year before that, you drop an unmarked envelope containing your nail clippings under their front door.

CARTOON: Naughty List
Off the record? Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

Other New Peloton Products To Improve Every Person In Our Lives
Peloton Noisy Chewing Volume-Lowering Kit, and more!

CARTOON: Trump Xmas
Everything spins. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

The Year Santa's OCD Ruined Christmas
He's making a list and checking it twice...he’s checking it again, just to be sure. Oh dear, the “t” on Robert’s name wasn’t quite crossed correctly. Better check the list again. It seems “Sally’s name has one “l” that’s not quite identical to the other “l”. He’d better create a new list.

The wonderful season of assembling new toys and realizing how…

The Weekly Humorist Guide To Gadget & Gizmo Gifts That You Have To Have In Order To Remain Relevant To Your Friends, And To Yourself
The folks at Facebook were toying around with the idea of calling this video communication system the Facebook Portal, but let's face it, we know what you disgusting perverts are going to use it for. So, the Facebook Porn-al it is.

Letters Smuggled out from the Front Lines of Amazon’s Never-Ending Holiday Sale
How is Anthony? Is he grown? Does he have his first girlfriend yet? I hope the life-size 6ft dummy I sent with my last note was a suitable replacement for my non-attendance at his piano recital. We’re almost to hump day of Cyber Monday Deals Week, and I fear what will follow. I miss you and hold hope to return to see the family for our annual Christmas Celebration on January 14th

Most Returned Christmas Gifts: 2017 Edition
Harvey Weinstein's cologne for men (30% infused rose-water,…

We Got You This Beautiful Charm Bracelet For Mother’s Day
Mom, we love you so deeply that this Mother’s Day we got you…