Entries by Ysabel Yates

Best Of 2021

The Online Reviews I’m Endlessly Scrolling to Find

Finally: The Most Comfortable Pants In The World That No One Will Say Look Comfortable: I’ve worn these outside the house at least twenty different times and not one person (knock on wood) has said, “I like your pants, they look super comfortable.” Instead, they just say the first part of that sentence and then stop. I am amazed!


You’ve Got an Alert: Shopgirl and NY152 Have Entered The Circle

NARRATOR: We’re here in The Circle! Let’s check in with NY152, aka Joe, who can’t stop thinking about his new bestie Shopgirl, aka Kathleen.   JOE: Circle, open private chat with Shopgirl. Message:   Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. Emoji of wad of cash […]


You Are What You Eat 

When you accidentally eat some egg shell, that’s when your big toenail gets impossibly thick. 


I Came Back as a Cockroach and Everything is Perfect Now

I’m still not sure how I died. Maybe I had a heart attack, or fell down the stairs, or those gummy vitamins were a scam after all. The only thing I know for certain is that dying and coming back as a cockroach was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’ll admit I […]