For Immediate Release: Who Will Receive the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 Vaccine (In Order of Priority)
As limited initial doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 begin to be distributed, the CDC has issued guidelines that state governments prioritize certain populations to receive inoculation before others. The following is the official list of groups ranked from highest to lowest priority.
Health care workers with direct contact to COVID-19 patients
Elderly people living in nursing homes and long term care facilities
The immunocompromised
Room’s Jacob Tremblay
The immuno-misunderstood
Grocery store employees (Trader Joe’s)
Grocery store employees (all others)
Jean Toscano of Green Bay, WI. (Congrats! You won the Pzifer’s Ultimate Vaccine Sweepstakes!™ )
People who play teachers on TV
Pharmaceutical and medical supply staff
Food processing workers
The breathtaking Lupita Nyongo
Lovable orphans
Daddies (fathers)
Daddies (rich older gay men)
Puppeteers and other artists who deal in felt
Healthy adults
Disney adults
Robots that have learned to feel what humans call “love”
Wallpaper stains that look like celebrities
Swamp People (People of the Swamp)
Those who work in indoor waterparks
Those who work in outdoor waterparks
Non-Essential workers (up-close magicians, dog psychics, podcasters)
Unlovable orphans
Pets (non-reptile)
Community theater actors
Anti-Maskers (people who jeopardize public safety by refusing to wear a face mask)
Anti-Maskers (people who jeopardize a good time by refusing to watch Fox’s “The Masked Singer”)
Scientists who worked on the Moderna vaccine (You snooze, you lose)
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Eli Kaplan is a Junior at Brown University. He was briefly cyberbullied on Tiktok, so you can follow him on Twitter @elika_plan