
Other Bullied Kids Trump Considered Inviting to the State of the Union

This story broke today: President Trump Invites Bullied 11-Year-Old Named Josh Trump to State of the Union Address

But who didn’t make the cut this evening? There must be many, many unfortunate souls out there tonight just as deserving? They sit alone watching tonight. We have their names:

  1. Pauly Manafart

  2. Rudolph Boobliani

  3. John Wall

  4. Vladimir P. Oopin

  5. Ivanka Klumps

  6. Johnnie Tariff

  7. Betsy D. Voss

  8. Brett Kavanblah

  9. Hope Hickey

  10. Mike Flinn

  11. K.T. Mac Shartland

  12. Anthony “Tony” Scareamoochi

  13. Gerard Bushner

  14. Roger Stoner

  15. Eddie Zeckutive-Tyme

  16. Eric Trump