
So You’ve Decided to Live Out Your Days in a Remote Monastery: What Next?
Now this is what I'm talking about! Back in the day, St. George had the good sense to build his monastery on a picturesque little island off the coast of Montenegro in the Adriatic Sea. Looks like a good place to bring a catamaran. Now, supposedly, this place is not open to the public. But you're no mere tourist! You're joining up, remember? So slip on your wetsuit, grab your longboard, and hang ten toward some inner peace, dude. Some Debbie Downers out there will tell you that this place is called the "Island of the Dead," but that's just because there's a cemetery there, not because of any zombie outbreaks. That we know of.

CARTOON: Tough Choice
Heating up! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Let your voice be heard! Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole

'Twas the Night of the Election (or "A Visit from St. Kornacki")
‘Twas the night of the election, and all over cable news, / Not a network was covering anything but red states and blues. / The pundits were booked on the panel shows with care, / As one spoke, ten others all nodded and stared.

CARTOON: Fall of Democracy?
No Rake Electors! Today's cartoon by Jus Kaplan and Jane Demarest.

CARTOON: Canvassing Couple
Election Enthusiasts. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

How To Support Queer Folk During Election Season With Very Little Effort
Put a tiny rainbow flag in your pencil cup. And more.

CARTOON: Sign Wars
Yard of Discord. Today's cartoon by Jason Bentsman

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You, It’s The Purge: Voter Rolls
Universal Studios and Blumhouse Productions are excited to release a new Purge film just in time for spooky season (and Election Day!). Billed as the most frightening Purge cinematic experience yet because of how closely it follows real life, The Purge: Voter Rolls is sure to terrify viewers even more than its predecessors.

Counting Down the Days Until the Election with My Donald Trump Advent Calendar
Concepts of plans.
An 8x10 of Kim Jong-un signed by his secretary.
$5 gift card to the Trump Store in Gatlinburg, TN.
And more!

Other Things We Should be Controlling Instead of the Weather
Ghosts: I think we’re all tired hearing about ghosts and spooks and poltergeists running around haunting people and places. There’s something the Deep State needs to take care of.

Ways To Make The Vice Presidential Debate More Entertaining…
Each nominee answers questions from a dunk tank seat. And more!

CARTOON: Trump's Debate Prep
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Gotta Get Away?
No Extradition, No Problems. Today's cartoon by Harley Schwadron.

I, A High-Profile Democrat, Would Very Much Like It If You Allowed Me to Be Clear
Without your approval to be clear, my lack of clarity would require immediate clarification—something I would clearly be unable to provide. You see? The whole thing would be unclear. Is that clear?

CARTOON: Joyful Confusion
Unexpected Bliss. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Herstory
Future is Female. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Less Catchy Yet More Effective Derivatives of ‘MAGA’ to Lock Up the Election
MSDECA: Make Seats at Drinking Establishments Comfortable Again! The radical owners who run these places, they’re doing horrible—horrible!—things: aluminum stools with no cushions, no backs, no footrests. Stools without any of that or the ability to swivel. You can’t even swivel, folks. Not good.

I'd Much Rather Be Called Racist than Weird, So It's Time to Insult the Mixed-Race Vice President
I knew the whole “turn Black” thing was a winner. And demanding that someone “look into” Kamala’s ethnicity? That’s some 2015-era birtherism right there. Tried and true. And viola. We’re back in business, baby.

SNL Should Bring Back That Cast Member from 15 Years Ago to Play a Current Public Figure
We all remember how much we loved it when that cast member was on the show. I’m sure that person is totally available, and would love to drop everything they’re doing to fly across the country/globe from wherever their current project is filming and give up the majority of their weekends from October through May to appear in an SNL cold open. Each week, they could deliver us a forever-memorable topical sketch where they stand behind a plexiglass podium or sit behind a foam-core Resolute Desk and deliver setup/punchline two-liners about whatever Republicans or pop stars did over the past six days.

"My Father Is A Good Man...But He Is Unfit To Lead,” by a 7-Year-Old
Look, we all love my dad. But this is not the my dad of 3 years ago, who chased that family of mice out of our grill, saving the 4th of July barbecue. This is not the my dad of 2 years ago, who successfully Heimliched our dog after she ate my sister’s 3-D Magna-Tiles. This is the my dad of 2024.

CARTOON: Political Ponderings
Inward Decay vs. Outward Demise. Today's cartoon by Jason Bentsman & Matt Saks.

CARTOON: Polling Panic
Stress Survey. Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

I’m A Bath–This Election Season, Help Me Defeat April Showers As The Primary Bathing Method
Look at yourself in the mirror. There’s pubic hair everywhere, there’s black mold in the grout, and the water’s rising because of a clog. You deserve a better kind of body bathing during the month of April. You need…a bath.

Why Nikki Haley Is Only “Suspending” Her Campaign for President
She has 91 less criminal charges than Trump does. If by some miracle one of them actually lands him in jail she might then become the front runner. And more!

How To Tell People You Voted Other Than An “I Voted” Sticker
Have sex. When you get to climax two minutes in, moan “I Voted!” Go to Starbucks and order your usual Pumpkin Spice Latte. When the barista asks for your name, say it’s “I Voted.” Post the photo of your cup, which says “Ivory Ted.” Get a real tattoo in your tramp stamp area that says “I Voted” And more!

CARTOON: Ballot Boxers
Suppression depression. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

I’m Bombarding You With Texts Before Election Day So You’ll Definitely Vote for Me
9:32 AM — Hi! I’m your state’s Republican candidate for Governor. I got your number from some voter registry list. Can I count on your support this Election Day? I’m texting you because I don’t trust the polls and figure if I slide into your phone without consent, you’ll definitely vote for me. 9:33 AM —If you want to opt out of these messages reply “STOP” and I’ll continue sending them to you.

Revised Lyrics to "Midnight Train to Georgia"
So, he called up some folks / (Wooh, wooh, wooh-wooh) / And asked for thousands more votes / (Wooh, wooh, wooh-wooh) / Scheming for a way to get back, to the life he once knew / Oh, yes he did, he said he would / Oh-oh, he’s cheating (Cheating)

Daniel Tiger Loses A Presidential Election
DANIEL: I refuse to concede! Prince Wednesday, I need you to hold a press conference to announce that all of the votes were illegal and I'm president. Book a venue, get me the Doubletree. PRINCE WEDNESDAY: You got it, DT.

CARTOON: Seedy Sources
Also President Trump is in amazing shape and smells tremendous. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Just A Flesh Wound
I'll bite your ankles! Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

Stand by to re-inflate. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Other Ways to Describe the Election Right Now Besides “A Real Nail-Biter”
An authentic democracy strainer, A good ol’ fashioned hope chomper, An honest-to-goodness reason for cable news anchors to tap smartboards and say “What are we looking at?” when what we’re looking at is actually nothing, and more!

My Aunt’s Facebook Status Election Coverage
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate squirrels? I swear they’re taking over this country. Vote to keep out the squirrels! HAHA. I pepper spray them and they don’t even move.

CARTOON: Undecided
What's it going to be Harvey? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

The Most Reliable Alternatives to Mail-in Voting
Text your vote to American Idol. Host a ballot reveal party. And more!

CARTOON: Scariest Costume
Gave me chills. Today's cartoon by Grayson Gibbs.

Other Methods Of Keeping Trump In Line At The Debate
Stagehand frantically waving a double quarter-pounder with cheese from off camera if he begins to go on a maniacal tirade. Superglue Chapstick. Ejector seat / catapult. And more!

CARTOONS: Wet Results
Rock the Moat. Today's cartoon by Dan Misdea.

CARTOON: Scariest Decorations
Terrifying. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

Steps To Deprogramming A Trump Follower
Lure the Trump supporter to a tantalizing mock-up garage sale, featuring items such as confederate flag shot-glasses and beer cozies, back issues of Guns & Ammo, and collectible figurines and snow-globes that feature Jesus punching a hippie in the mouth.

CARTOON: Fortune
NEED TO KNOW! Today's cartoon by Lila Ash.

Weekly Humorist's Election Season Forecast Calendar
Thursday, October 15- Following the previous evening's debate, Trump voters decide to finally being wearing masks, but due to embarrassment rather than pandemic concerns.

CARTOON: Mitch's Simple Rules
Consistent government is our best chance. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

CARTOON: Whodunit?
Need a clue? Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

CARTOON: Every Boat Counts
Just get in the F#cking boat. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

Cherry Pieden, Butter Emails, Bundtigieg Cake, and more #DemocratDesserts on this week's joke game!

My Name is Elizabeth Warren, and I Have a Plan to Destroy All of Them
Amy Klobuchar – Amy is smart, strong, and a real contender, which is why I look forward to our dance-off. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have the wiry energy of a coked-up greyhound and I will END her.

Hollywood-Written Democratic Primary Call Scripts
Mayor Pete: Oof, wow! Mayor Pete? Why would I want a President who looks like a ventriloquist doll and a serial killer had a baby, am I right?!?

The Road To A Tom Steyer Presidency
STEP 11 -- America impeaches, in this order, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Grassley, Mike Pompeo, and, for good measure, the next 9 people in line for presidential succession.

Thoughts on Choosing a 2020 Democratic Candidate, or Which Subway to Take Home at Night
Instead of going all the way, it's stopping somewhere in the middle. It's still running, but on a different platform than I expected. I don't feel safe with this choice after 11pm. And more!

CARTOON: Debatable
Debatable demo. Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

CARTOON: Bottoms Up
Vote to save our livers! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Biden 2020
A strong whiff for Washington. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Ask for a recount of what you drank last night...Ugh, our head. What happened? Are we saved? Did we wake up from this political waking nightmare? NO! Just kidding! But we had some fun this week on our Weekly Humorist Hashtag game!

Republicans to Physically Flip When Your State Flips Republican
Your Coworker
Make sure to use both hands to physically flip Nancy, a known Trump acolyte, on your way to the break room. Her surprisingly unstable ergonomic chair won’t stand a chance against your leftist rage—much like immigrants seeking asylum won’t stand a chance against her xenophobia.

Ways To Painlessly Kill Time Until Election Results Are Available
Call your mom and let her tell you about what's been happening on Grey's Anatomy. See if David Hasselhoff will accept your Facebook friend request. And more.

CARTOON: Voter Turnout
When the best case scenario is the worst case scenario. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Why We’re Voting Red: Fairy Tale and Nursery Rhyme Characters Weigh in on the Midterm Elections
Grumpy Dwarf, 1035 yrs, Coal City, WV, Miner
Coal is the future!

Thank You For Attending This Memorial Service, Please Vote On November 6th
Thank you for joining us today at St. Ben’s as we honor…

Basic French for People That Want to Move There Now
Guys, France is safe from far-right nationalism! This makes…

Real, Genuine Reasons Donald J. Trump Is Refusing To Release His Tax Returns
Accidentally spilled a two liter of Big Red soda onto the form,…

Potentially Delicious Items from the 2016 DNC Concession Menu
Hill-a-refried Beans
We in the food service industry…

Five Reactions from Those Who Met Saul Alinsky on the DNC Floor and Immediately Learned He's Been Dead Since 1972
It's been a real Who's Who on the floor of the Democratic National…

DNC Drinking Game!
Drink every time someone says that they are NOT Donald Trump

Tasty Items For Sale At The RNC Concession Stands
Trump Roast
Baloney. Lots and lots of roasted baloney.…