
A New Round Of Russian Sanctions
MGM Studios will remaster Rocky IV by digitally replacing Ivan Drago with Jar Jar Binks, Siberia will now be called 'Other Alaska', Rubles are now worth .000095 of a shirt button, and more!

CARTOON: Vlads Lads
And more juggling jokes of a government... Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Ask The 8 Ball
Answer hazy. Ask again later. Спасибо!

Moscow Mitch In Soviet America
“In America, women have rights over their wombs. In Soviet America, women have rights as long as they are still in the womb!”

Playground Games for Representatives and Senators at Recess
Donald Says: A variation on the classic “Simon Says” and a GOP must-play. One person pretends to be Donald Trump and says, “Donald says '[insert action here]’.” All the players must do what Donald says. If the person doesn’t insert “Donald says” when requesting the action, those who do the action are out. The last person still in office, or not yet roasting in hellfire, wins.

CARTOON: Moscow Mitch
Muddled and indifferent with zest! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Human Lie Detector
Robo-Mueller, today's cartoon by Marty Dundics

CARTOON: Trump Force One
In case of emergency use your Big Mac as a flotation device. Today's cartoon by J.C. Duffy.

CARTOON: Real March Madness
Which Cinderella story is making it all the the final downfall? Click to see the full bracket! Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Trump Valentine
Are you tired? Because you've been Russian around my head all day. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Busta Dissident And 7 Other Rapper Names For Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin wants Russia to control rap music. So, to give…

New Requirements For Voter Registration Under The Trump Administration
Birth Certificate showing proof of birth in the US. If not born in the US, must be hot European model...

Paul Manafort's To Do List
Set the DVR to record the next 7 to 10 years of The Bachelor, Have all of my teeth removed and replaced with razor-sharp, pointy steel teeth and more.

A Taste of Honeypot: One Senator’s Night with Maria Butina
So then, she says she’d like to discuss national reciprocity…

‘Mr. Gorbachev add onto this wall’ and 6 other Presidential quotes Trump would have ‘fixed’ if he had been President
George Washington: I can tell a lie. Cherry tree? What cherry…

Affairs of the State: Love Notes To and From Russia With and Without Love
August 10, 2015
Dear Donald,
You like strong leaders. I am…

No, Your Honor, I Did Not Build A Fire Pit to Burn Documents Relevant to My Criminal Investigation
Your Honor, if it pleases the court, I would like to make a statement…

Mr. Assad, We Find This One Specific Type Of Murder Unacceptable
Dear Mr. Assad,
We, the collected powers of France, the…

Least Surprising Items Found In The FBI's Raid Of Michael Cohen
Pages and pages of printed Melrose Place fan message board transcripts.

Other ALL CAPS Advisor Notes For Trump
In regards to Putin's reelection win, Trump's advisors had…

Vladimir Putin's Top Campaign Promises
Vladimir Putin won re-election as Russian President and immediately…

Tricky Dick Tutors Trump on Treachery
Here's to the State of Richard Nixon
For underneath his borders…

Highlights Of Trump's Planned Military Parade
The crowd will be the largest for a military parade. Ever. Anywhere.…

Red Flags That Your American Facebook Group is Probably Run by a Russian Bot
The phrases in the posts and comments aren’t quite right:

Lost Pages From the Steele Dossier
Note: This piece has been adapted from a recently completed…

Other Super Secret Info Leaked To Russia By Trump
The White House Wifi password is password.
The place underneath…

5 Ways to Spice up Your Relationship with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak
Every serious relationship goes through dry spells. It’s…

Obama Wire Tapping
What President Obama overheard while tapping Donald Trump's phone…

Sessions Lessons
YOU can be as great of a liar as Jeff Sessions!! It's true!! …

FOTO BOMB: ты слышишь меня сейчас?
Can you hear me now?

Trump’s Golden Intelligence Briefing
Thank you for meeting with us today, Mr. President-elect. We…

How to Explain a Golden Shower to an Evangelical
It's like the story of Noah and the Flood, but God is a high-priced…

Other Revelations from the U.S. Intelligence Community
Russian hackers got into the Nielsen computers and sabotaged…

Reality Shows of the Dictators
"Smile! You're on Candid Comrade!" The playful…

FOTO BOMB: Putin Punished
" OBAMA does not take pleasure in the spankings or the sanctions…

The Spy Who Came in from the Access Hollywood Bus
A dimly lit tavern, somewhere along the Ukrainian border. A waitress…