
Crazy Larry’s Etsy Shop of Handcrafted Tinfoil Hats
This shop is dedicated to helping regular folks who realize that the war isn’t coming, brother. The war is already here. So, grab your tinfoil and suit up. Semper Foil

CARTOON: Final Stages Of White House Employment
Trump GOP carousel. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

The Art of the Memoir by Donald J. Trump
Chapter 3- Growing Up: My Dad was a Nazi, and if you’d asked me when I was a boy if that would help me relate to people, I’d have said “no.” But, as it turns out, “yes.”

What to Do When Your Screaming Autocrat Won’t Leave the White House
Offer a choice. This will make him feel like he has some say in the matter, even though he doesn’t. “On the way home, do you want us to keep counting the votes in Pennsylvania or stop counting them?”

CARTOONS: Wet Results
Rock the Moat. Today's cartoon by Dan Misdea.

CARTOON: White House Gift Shop
Great new gifts in the White House shop! The are infectious! Today's cartoon by Jason Chatfield and Scott Dooley.

CARTOON: Warp Drive
He went to Jared. Again. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Whine Time
Go have a snack and a nap. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Too subtle? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Drastic Measures
Unthinkable! Today's cartoon by David DeGrand and Rob Kutner.

CARTOON: Bolton Bolts
Let's get bombed. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Bracing
It's gonna really hit hard. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Not a fan of real winners. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: I'm Melting!
Don't go chasing waterfalls. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

White House Tour Excerpts
Probably the most offensive and glaring of the recent changes is the White House tour. Once a fascinating and enriching educational experience, the tour has become instead the ravings of a homeless madman who seemingly has wandered into the White House by accident

CARTOON: National State of Emergency
Frozen Putz. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Air Force * 1
One small change. Huge difference. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Marine Corps General John Kelly Helps You Be A New and Better You in 2019
For your best 2019, call John Kelly now at the number below. I can’t make you the best you, but I think I can keep you from being the worst you, just by being around all the time.

CARTOON: Trump Decision Making
Here's some insight into Donald Trump's decision making process. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Please Review the GOP-Approved Activities for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The following represents all of the GOP-approved activities relating to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In light of the recent dancing video, please take time to review this list.

A Summary For My Class On My White House Internship
They tell me that, with how much they promote people, I could probably be running the EPA, HUD, or even state department by next summer.

CARTOON: U.S. Belabor Secretary
Everything is going amazingly well. So well. The best...Today's cartoon by Rich Sparks.

John Kelly’s Draft Letters of Resignation
Regardless, I will gladly see to the several outstanding issues under my watch before departing. To start, Sheila in Accounting has advised that there is no "hush money" designation in the system and indicated that one could not be created.

The Tremendous Space Force Planning Meeting
The next twenty-five minutes consists of President Trump going into great detail about what the Space Force line of toys needs to be. Action figures, shuttles, rockets, even a home base control room. Of course, the showcase of the toys is a super fit Donald Trump action figure in a glittering stars and stripes Mylar jumpsuit. The little guy is surprisingly pulling off those knee-high boots.

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Marriage - by Anonymous
I married the President but I have vowed to thwart parts of our…

CARTOON: Guess Who?
Can it be a lot of people? Just one? Feels like it could be a lot. Today's cartoon by Ivan!

Does Jim Mattis Think You’re Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? and 11 Other TV Reality Shows a Post Presidency Trump Could Appear On
Who Wants to Be A Pretend Billionaire? We have a guess. Bob Woodward’s “Fear” Factor Anyone?

President Trump’s Labor Day BBQ Menu
Buffalo wings prepared with bald eagle rather then chicken

The White House Party Planning Committee Brainstorms For Cinco de Mayo
TED: Okay, listen up hombres. The White House Cinco de Mayo party…

Overheard at the White House Easter Egg Roll
Egg roll? I thought we don’t allow Chinese people in the White…

Hope Hicks Updated LinkedIn Profile
Hope Hicks
Former White House Communications Director, current…

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth, and Other Entries from the Diary of Stephen Miller
January 29, 2018
Talk about a banner day for Stephen…

Daily Itinerary Of Hope Hicks
6 am - 11:18 am: Busy work until the president arrives at the…

Best Names For A Trump White House Garage Band
Stable Genius and the Unindicted Co-Conspirators

More Surprising Revelations From Michael Wolff's Fire And Fury
Cover charge to get into the White House is waived if you arrive…

How the Trumps Botch Christmas
“It's Christmas at ground zero,
Now the missiles are on their…

List for the White House Handyman
We were able to obtain a copy of the list of requests and fixes…

White House Answering Machine
As you might imagine, the White House has been receiving thousands…

Tripping Balls with the Founding Fathers
Many observers of President Donald J. Trump…

Controversial Lines from the White House Correspondents' Dinner 1840-1950
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner (WHCD) has a history…

A Note From the Witch Who Stole Sean Spicer’s Cool
First of all, I feel compelled to preface this all by saying…

Most Hilarious White House Pranks!
President Gerald Ford, a master tightrope artist who performed…

Kellyanne Conway's Guide To White House Etiquette
When squatting on the Oval Office couch as if it were a piece…

Goodbye to the Cancer Moonshot
“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”

Trump's New Rules
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s White House…
Meeting in…

Sean Spicer and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Period.
I went to bed chewing thirty-five pieces of gum, and before…

Bowling Green Massacre and Our All-Time Favorite Kellyanne Conway Lies
So now Kellyanne Conway is referring to a "Bowling Green Massacre",…

President Seeking Agreeable White House Staffer
Thank you for coming in today. As you surely know, these White…

White House Confidential: Overheard During Trump’s First Week In Office
Anyone got a thesaurus? I’m running out of synonyms for the…

Trump's Other Changes To The White House Website
Trump wasn't in office for even a day when he made several notable…

President Trump's First News Conference
"We take you to Washington D.C. where President Trump is about…

Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s White House…
The next President…

Obama Sticky Notes
Sticky notes that President Obama has left around Washington…

FOTO BOMB: Barack Obama is...MOVING!
Obama is getting ready to move out of the White House. He…

President Trump White House Tour
A first-person account by one lucky reporter
It is a pretty…