Editors Picks
What seemed like 2020 part 3, (this time it’s personal) 2022 did produce a few funny things:- let’s recap a bit of what we accomplished!
Humorist Books, managed to get not one but two titles on Vultures Best Comedy Books of The Year list! Welcome to Woodmont College, by Mike Sacks and Jason Roeder and Cash Grab by Andy Spain! We also published Santa’s Brother Sandy Saves Christmas by longtime writer and executive producer of The Simpsons, Mike Reiss and illustrated by New Yorker cartoonist Jason Chatfield! Rounded up this years books with, a very dark humor cartoon collection Polly Wants A Lawyer, by Nick Downes, The Official Dream Dinner Party Handbook by Gary Almeter, and finally the very funny novel The Carlyles by Michael Bleicher and Andy Newton!
Humorist Podcasts continues to produce the cult-hit show The Cartoon Pad podcast with the the very funny Bob Eckstein & Michael Shaw, our flagship comedy interview show Talkward, and recently welcomed The Official Dream Dinner Party Podcast into the mix! Humorist Studios continues to develop exciting new projects and currently represents or has developed animated & live-action comedy tv projects and feature film projects! We’ve even pitched a movie to a streaming service!
Last but not least, we published a TON of humor! Thank you for your continued support and let’s look forward to an exciting 2023!
Upcoming Family Interventions
Uncle Frank: We’ve survived three Trump Thanksgivings. What we cannot stand for is you now finding God. Location: If you get vaccinated, your favorite restaurant.
Welcome to Our Town’s Walking Tour Where We Choose to Focus on Abraham Lincoln’s Visit Here and Not That Famously Bad Thing That Happened in the 80s
Thank you for meeting me here under this lamppost at 3:30PM, and welcome to my hometown’s walking tour. As most of you know, our town is famous because – for a 22-hour period of time – our nation’s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, stayed here. Yep, that’s what we’re known for. Nothing else. No matter what a certain HBO documentary might lay out in graphic detail. Anyway, let’s get started!
How I Met Your Show Runner
ESPN’s ‘How I Met Your Father’s Bookie’ and more “How I Met Your…’ in development!
9 Interesting Facts About Babies For People Thinking About Having One
A personal frustration, but when my baby was born I was shocked to learn that he hadn’t seen any of the Rocky movies. I remember once when I was burping him in a crowded park and someone’s phone rang with “Eye of the Tiger” as the ringtone and I said to my baby “Rocky III, nice!” And I could tell based on his wide-eyes and lack of response that the little guy had no idea what I was talking about.
How Romeo and Juliet Would Have Ended if Written By Children’s Authors
Judy Blume- JULIET: Are you there, God? It’s Me, Juliet. I just kissed this boy at a party and it turns out my family hates him! I should probably listen to them, but he’s so cute! Please help me decide.
What You Saw Last Night Was a Natural Expression of Love Between Two People With CPAP Machines
Sometimes, couples who share a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea discover that they also share an interest in experimentation with forcing pressurized air through hose delivery systems, thus accidentally revolutionizing their sex lives. We hope that one day you find someone you love this much, and when you do, you can entrust them with your heated tubing.
Our Valentine’s Day Prix Fixe Menu Does NOT Allow for Substitutions, Because YOU MADE A COMMITMENT TO IT
Root Vegetable Salad: Artichoke hearts, hearts of palm, and heart-shaped beet carpaccio. You promised to eat this salad when you made the reservation; that’s a public covenant we take very seriously. Do these veggies go well together? They should. But going well together takes effort.
Thank You for Inviting Me to Your Super Bowl Party, But Why is This Nothing Like Friday Night Lights?
And did that fumble happen because the player is troubled by his girlfriend’s recent betrayal? Or because his ego is out of control and he’s been lazy at practice? Until I know his underlying emotional journey, I’m struggling to give a damn, honestly.
Other Catchphrases John Wilkes Booth Considered Before “Sic Semper Tyrannis!”
“You can’t HANDLE the Booth!” “To Confederacy…and beyond!” “All lives matter.”
Play FRUGLE! The New Word Game That Will Never Go Up Behind A Paywall
Call a friend and ask them to think of a five letter word but not tell you what it is. Guess the word.
If the Liberals Have Their Way, There Will Be No Bangable Chocolate at All
I mean, have you ever tried to get past first base with a Hershey’s Kiss? It’s beyond frustrating. But you try, and try again, and then you go home still horny, with all these little incriminating bits of aluminum foil that your wife asks suspicious questions about.
An Update on the Oompa Loompa Unionizing Efforts
What Do We Want? Hazard pay for experimental candy testers, a properly sanitized chocolate meadow, bathroom breaks, commuting access to the Wonkavator, yearly cost of living increases, one guaranteed sick day each, and to be paid henceforth in pound sterling, not cocoa beans. We are sick of cocoa beans.
Six Snowmen Who Will Melt Your Heart and Then Themselves
Top hats and carrots? So 2017. This chill contrarian’s style is quirky and unique: he’s upended the concept of hats by wearing a vintage tea kettle! The yard-sale camera tells you he’s not just a snowman, he’s a snow artist– also he might do an occasional line of powder. This set of snowballs will take you to the hottest new spots in town, where he will soon become nothing but a puddle on their floor.
We Are Here To Inform You That Our Queen Cover Band Only Plays ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’
When you come to view us we hope that you will respect that for 80 mins you will only hear various versions of the 1979 hit, and we would appreciate it if you don’t yell out other song requests.
I’m Just Calling to Follow Up on the Email I’m About to Send You
Are you getting another call right now? That’s me, hitting you up on Microsoft Teams. If we talk on Teams and the phone at the same time, we can do a post-mortem on this follow-up call while I prioritize the tasks for the email I’ll send you later that we’re following up on now. That way we won’t have to circle back later and rehash things we haven’t talked about yet.
New Dating Apps That Hopefully No One Will Ever Need
Fist A Cyst, Raunch Dressing, Insurrection Erection, and more!
Aggressive Optical Illusions
Is this a perfect square? Or is perfection a foreign concept to someone like you?
Highlights From The Capitol Insurrection Reunion Special Hosted By James Corden
James Corden: Welcome everybody! It’s hard to believe that we are a whole year out from the insurrection that everybody couldn’t stop talking about, but here we are! Thanks to our sponsor, Smartwater! Whether you think Antifa staged the Capitol riots or you know Trump supporters did, Smartwater thinks you’re smart!