
If You’ve Ever Watched TV, You NEED To Watch This New Netflix Show
If you love The Office even half as much as me, I assume you’d be thrilled to be reunited with all of your favorite coworkers. But what if I told you, this time, they’re all in high school! This 10 episode miniseries is the The Office prequel we never knew we needed. Principal’s Office is Mad Men meets Freaks and Geeks meets Stranger Things meets The Office. And I mean that literally!

2024 Coachella Act or Cancelled Netflix Series
Snowflake Mountain, Jessica Jones, Burna Boy, and more!

At Netflix, We’re Taking Product Placement to the Next Level with New Film’s All-Beverage Cast
Dunkin’ Iced Coffee: Quippy tech guru PRIME Energy: Sadistic but easily dispatched henchman La Croix (Pamplemousse flavor): Self-conscious artist making film within a film, and more!

HBO Highlights Its Very Original, Very Unique Content
Rich People Being Absolute Lunatics, Iconic Show From The 90’s, Epic Fantasy Show That Costs A Trillion Dollars, and more!

This Year, I Did Something Special for Your Birthday
I made a documentary about you with your family and friends. Oh, the documentary turned out so well that Netflix acquired the streaming rights.

CARTOON: Netflix Nudge
Bad binge. Today's cartoon by Alex John.

Rejected Netflix Dahmer Series Promotional Materials
If You Can Read This, Jeffrey Dahmer Didn't Eat Your Eyeballs bumper sticker. Dahmer's vegetarian surprise recipe (made totally from a vegetarian). And sadly, more!

Unsolved Mysteries: Who’s that Lady?
This special episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” on Netflix is dedicated to understanding one of the most confounding mysteries in pop music history: Who’s that lady? You know the one. She fills our hearts and minds, brought somewhat to life through song lyrics devoid of significant detail or description.

NOW CASTING: Romantic Lead For New Wave Reality Dating Show Filmed Primarily In A Sensory Deprivation Chamber
Get ready to Stockholm Syndrome your way into a dubiously legally-binding marriage with the least financially stable, most emotionally volatile, sentient pair of swim trousers you’ve ever met on our new dating show, Sex Fest Island. The twist? There’s no sex and you’re trapped 30 feet underground in a dark, dark chamber devoid of warmth or feeling. You are technically on an island, though.

Upcoming Episodes on Season 2 of The Goop Lab
Episode 2: "Hair's to Ya". Covers armpit hair, leg hair, arm hair, eyebrows, back hair, butt hair, ear hair, nose hair, and vaginal steaming. Special guest: a man who has dressed as a Wookiee for the entirety of his adult life, so far. Bonus video illustrates how to perform a scalp transplant using common household items and organic cleaning supplies.

Streaming And Screaming!
Escape Room 3: Rise Of The Terrordome- A group of strangers are abducted by a malevolent organization and placed into a series of increasingly dangerous escape rooms. The strangers, after thinking about it for a bit, realize that this situation is much better than how things are out in the real world, and so decide to simply stay put. (Oct 20, HBO Max)

Additional Clauses to Your NYC Apartment Lease Rider: An Excerpt of a Handwritten Legal Document from My New Landlord
153) Absolutely no noise after 10:00pm, even television, on any given day of the week: I mean it, there are no exceptions to this rule. Although it is only two beats total, my cat is trained to wake me at the opening sound of any Netflix show.

What's New On Streaming?
The Haunting Of Geraldine's Toaster (Netflix) In the terrifying tradition of previous Netflix hits The Haunting Of Hill House and The Haunting Of Bly Manor, this new entry centers on young, optimistic family the Guthries. The Guthries have just moved into a refurbished house with a terrifying past, and an even more horrific toaster, possessed by true evil.

What’s Coming to Netflix This Week: Carelessly Loose Spin-Offs Edition
In light of ongoing pandemic troubles and a frighteningly uncertain presidential election, we felt that our main demographic would like to escape from literally everything and regress back to their childhood. To that end, we’re excited to release five, new spin-off series this week that take your favorite characters-- and the characters you didn’t even know about-- and place them in crazy situations that are all more stable than reality!

Why Don’t You Call her What She Is – Your Octopus *Whore*
What has she got that I haven’t got, Craig? Besides eight mesmerizing tentacles, the ability to change color and texture, and a disinclination to speak? I’ll dye my hair any color you want, but I’m sorry, buddy – I’ve only got the two arms, and neither of them are covered in little suction cups.

Even More Specialized New Streaming Services!
Selleck-Select: Have you ever been watching a tv show or movie and thought to yourself, "This is okay, I guess... but sure would be a lot better if all of the characters were sporting a Tom
Selleck-style stache!" Then you're in for a real treat with Selleck-Select!

The Man In The White Castle, Game of Scones, Dr. Whom, Comedians in Jars Getting Toffee, and more #SuckyStreamingShows on this week's trending joke game!

Signs That the Person You’re Dating Is Secretly an Identical Twin
Before you Google whether or not that last sentence is true, please skim the below exhaustive list of red flags that the person you’ve been coupled with is actually a couple in and of themselves —i.e. a duo of secret twins masquerading as one. You never know until it’s too late!

Truly Terrible TV Shows To Stream in Quarantine
The Marvelous Mrs. Measles, West Nile World, Black Plague Mirror, and more.

CARTOON: Binge Watching in a Pandemic
They just walked outside? Ridiculous. Today's cartoon by Jefferson Deng.

Other Reality Dating Shows Willfully Misinterpreting Famous Love Quotes
* “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” - Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet *
Now streaming on Netflix: A Rose As Sweet! One bachelor will date twenty women named Rose. The twist: he can’t see them or talk to them. He must decide which Rose to marry -- only by smelling them.

You’ve Got an Alert: Shopgirl and NY152 Have Entered The Circle
NARRATOR: We’re here in The Circle! Let’s check in with NY152,…

Here's What's Coming To Netflix
M Night Shyamalan Half-Asses It For A Quick Paycheck, Drunken Christmas Light Installation with Henry Winkler, Serial Killers In Cars Drinking Coffee and more!

The Eight Most Awesome Things About Binge-A-Derm TV, the Patch That Catches You Up on the Television You’ve Missed (Post Sponsored by Binge-A-Derm TV)
Side effects of Binge-A-Derm TV are common, but severe. They include an inability to communicate using anything other than TV references, contempt for anyone who hasn’t seen the latest episode, and nausea. Cool!

The New Porns
Unwatched 10 episode-per-season, 7-season series on Netflix Porn, Look at me I’m a celebrity who is getting notoriety for something shameful and disgraceful Porn, and more.

Other Cuts Made to Netflix Originals
The disastrous live-action pilot for Bojack Horseman: After seeing how horrific the half-human characters would have looked in a more realistic setting, it is now evident why Netflix started their animation division. And more.

Modern Day Mysteries for the Scooby-Doo Gang
“The Haunted Air BnB”: It’s a Sherlock crossover episode this week as the Gang heads across the pond for a star-studded Saturday morning special! Fresh off the plane, Velma beelines to a local pub to get wifi on her smartphone, while Fred and Daphne stumble upon a string of haunted AirBnBs being investigated by none other than British national icon Sherlock Holmes. Will Fred overcome his jealousy and be able to work with Sherlock, despite seeing this chiseled, animated version of Benedict Cumberbatch shamelessly flirt with Daphne? Are the ghosts in the AirBnB paying customers, or simply squatters claiming housing rights? Seriously, how is AirBnB even legal with the limited amount of protections in place for both consumers and hosts?

Beyoncé's Imagined Presidential Platforms
Political Beliefs: To the left, to the left.

Casting Call for Netflix's New Docuseries, So You Think You Can Bind, Torture, and Kill?
Three contestants will make it to the final round, where the killer with the most creative and functional soundproof murder dungeon wins, getting the ultimate binge-watching Netflix treatment and becoming a weird sex symbol somehow.

The Art Of Re-cluttering Your Life After Tidying Up Throws You Into A Cataclysmic Emotional Crisis
Just because you don’t read anymore doesn’t mean you don’t need your books: Do you think books arranged into a high order rainbow are pretty? Does the perfect symmetry turn the volume down on the noise in your brain? Then you definitely can’t get rid of your textbooks from AP Bio, or any of your 17 copies of The Mists of Avalon.

CARTOON: Black Mirror - Choose Your Own Adventure!
What incredible path will you choose!? Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

Episode Descriptions from Netflix’s All-New Real-Time Reality Show: Escape/Room
Two couples attempt to complete an escape room. While the timer counts down, they search for clues and make discoveries about themselves. We explore one hour of time in thirteen hours of gripping drama and revolutionary storytelling.

New on Netflix: December 2018
Here's A List Of What's Coming To Netflix For December, 2018...

Trends in New Nostalgia
The hottest fashion trend making waves this summer…

Bingeworthy New Kidlit Adaptations, Coming Soon From The Producers Of Breaking Bad
"Netflix’s gritty adaptation of Anne of Green Gables will return…

Possible Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee Spinoffs
Writers in Winnebagos drinking wine
Veterinarians on Vespas…

Storylines for the Next Batch of Cloverfield Movies
The Cloverfield FRIENDS!
At last, the 90 minute “Friends”…

How Bojack Horseman Changed Television: Every Character is Now a Horse
The Netflix original animated series Bojack Horseman has changed…

Steve Bannon’s Netflix Queue -or- How Steven Bannon Will Spend the Next Few Weeks While Nursing a Wounded But Bloated Ego, Fomenting Hatred in his Heart, and Drinking Gallons of Cheap Gin from a Discarded Aunt Jemima Bottle and a Sterilized Nipple
Birth of a Nation
(the 1916 version, not leftist 2016 film…