
Biggest Surprises Revealed In JFK Assassination Files…
Jacqueline Onassis wasn’t genuinely too upset about being splashed with the blood and brain matter of her husband, but was “significantly perturbed” by ample amounts of same finding their way into her blueberry yogurt.

Your Work Camp Or Mine? A Guide To Dating In Trump’s Dystopian Future
Holding hands while enjoying one another’s company during a romantic walk is an excellent way to build onto that initial spark of attraction. Of course, don’t wander beyond the perimeter of the electric security gate or camp personnel will have no other choice than to shoot both of you on sight.

Customer Reviews of the New Tesla Dealership at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
“The salesman mumbled something about the car outlasting social security, which is a weird thing to say. Don’t recommend.”

Leaked: Donald Trump’s Initial List of Cabinet Picks!
Department of Homeland Security: The Cigarette Smoking Man (X-Files) As head of a shadowy syndicate, the cigarette smoking man certainly knows his way around a bureaucracy bogged down in red tape. Carrying the ignominious nickname ‘Cancer Man,’ he participated in a decade-long cover up that involved preparing Earth for an alien invasion.

Avenue Qanon and 10 Other Trump Themed Musicals to Replace Hamilton at the Kennedy Center
Avenue Qanon, Scamilton, The Lyin’ King, and more!

How To Identify Canadian-Made Products
It is sold with a pack of hockey cards and a heartfelt apology for any inconvenience.

CARTOON: Cloudy Oversight
Toxic Work Environment. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: State of Affairs
Loonie Tunes. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

If Senate Confirmation Hearings Were Like Regular Interviews
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Have you ever made spaghetti alfredo with fresh garlic and tapeworms? Did you cook the garlic first? Did you wait until the bear was dead before extracting the tapeworms? Did you use organic whipping cream and imported parmesan cheese? Did you inject the tub of butter into your vein to ward off smallpox and then have to go back to the supermarket to get another? Do you like touching your own eyeballs? Who are you?

Options To Replace The “End Racism” Super Bowl Message That Align With The Trump Administration
Let’s Just Say We Ended Racism
Resume Racism
Choose Whiteness, and more!

In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr., We’re Dismantling Federal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We’re not killing Dr. King’s dream, we’re just removing the problem entirely from our line of sight so that it no longer exists. Not seeing color isn’t racism repackaged, it’s true equality.

Yoga-Adjacent Poses to Guide You Through the Second Trump Administration
What if I am hopelessly uncoordinated? No one is left behind! Just for you we have composed a lovely set of affirmations in a spoken-word CD called, "Sad Truths for Easy Weeping." Lie awake to such inspiring reflections as, "I wouldn't put it past them to abolish the FDIC," and, "What if he never leaves??"

MAGAmmendments to the Ten Commandments
2nd Commandment: Thou shall not take the Lord’s name in vain, which is definitely a big one. Unless you’re willing to cut me in on the deal and let me get my beak wet, then you can take it in vain to your heart’s content. Let’s set up a meeting.

The Next Four Years Told Through Youtube Titles
Alien Invasion or Elaborate Hoax? Zane & Maya Discuss While Cooking Chicken Alfredo

J.D. Vance’s Inauguration Day Schedule
10:15am: Show up early to inauguration venue and realize he forgot ID. Go back to get it because no one recognizes him.

Lesser Known Facts About House Speaker Mike Johnson
Truly believes that God sent Donald Trump to lead America, and yet still chooses to be a Christian anyway.

House Resolution: Renaming Donald Trump’s “Transition” Team to Reflect That He Is Biologically President
A “Biological President” is naturally “male,” meaning an individual who has, had, or would have, but for a historical polo accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and ejects sperm for exclusively male purposes, such as fertilization or so-called “sexual assault,” which is defined as the legal and victim-less playboy antics of a rogue, rake, or rapscallion.

I’ve Decided to Replace the Guinea Pig With a Larger, Slightly More Calculated Guinea Pig
I didn’t want this to happen. When I went to Petco and looked for the best guinea pig to defend all the other guinea pigs, I felt confident that I was walking away with the right one. But recently, some disturbing accusations have come to light. In the wake of these alleged scandals, I may be forced to do the unthinkable: Replace this guinea pig with a slightly larger, more calculated guinea pig. From a different Petco, of course.

New Holiday Travel Road Games
Mad Libtards: While stopping for dinner at a Cracker Barrel in the middle of nowhere (there was literally no other place within 50 miles, sue me), how many times and in different ways do the locals use the word “libtard” to describe basic acts of human decency? Too many to count, get the fuck out of there!!

Education SmackDown: Linda McMahon Nominated for Education Secretary
All parent-teacher conferences will now take place inside a steel cage. School cafeterias will serve nothing but raw meat and protein shakes. And more!

CARTOON: Cartoon: The President-Elect Choose His Cabinet
Monsters of Politics. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

As a Lesbian, I’m So Relieved a Straight Woman Just Slid Into My DM’s to Let Me Know That Trump Is Actually the Biggest Champion of LGBTQ Rights
But then, a beacon of light emerged from the darkness, in the form of my friends’ mom sliding into my Instagram DM’s with a weird, out-of-context reel where a few self-described gay people I’ve literally never seen or heard of before informed me that I shouldn’t be concerned at all. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I should be relieved and grateful that Trump won, because he is the biggest champion of LGBTQ rights.

So You’ve Decided to Live Out Your Days in a Remote Monastery: What Next?
Now this is what I'm talking about! Back in the day, St. George had the good sense to build his monastery on a picturesque little island off the coast of Montenegro in the Adriatic Sea. Looks like a good place to bring a catamaran. Now, supposedly, this place is not open to the public. But you're no mere tourist! You're joining up, remember? So slip on your wetsuit, grab your longboard, and hang ten toward some inner peace, dude. Some Debbie Downers out there will tell you that this place is called the "Island of the Dead," but that's just because there's a cemetery there, not because of any zombie outbreaks. That we know of.

Incelebrity Apprentice and 11 Other Shows Trump Now Has To Turn Down Hosting
Dancing with the Tsars, and more!

CARTOON: Tough Choice
Heating up! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Let your voice be heard! Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole

'Twas the Night of the Election (or "A Visit from St. Kornacki")
‘Twas the night of the election, and all over cable news, / Not a network was covering anything but red states and blues. / The pundits were booked on the panel shows with care, / As one spoke, ten others all nodded and stared.

An Urgent Email from Tony Hinchcliffe's Travel Agent
Unfortunately, I've been unable to book you at another hotel in San Juan or all of Puerto Rico for that matter. Not even a Motel 6. Although you do have an offer from a Waste Management union in Puerto Rico who said they'd be "happy to offer you a smelly mattress in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean" with an offer to take you there by boat.

CARTOON: Political Horror
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Lesser Known Tidbits About Art The Clown
Art shows up to murder aimlessly for only several days typically, spending the remainder of his time selling handmade cheese graters on Etsy.

CARTOON: Promises, Promises
Campaign of Contradictions. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Counting Down the Days Until the Election with My Donald Trump Advent Calendar
Concepts of plans.
An 8x10 of Kim Jong-un signed by his secretary.
$5 gift card to the Trump Store in Gatlinburg, TN.
And more!

CARTOON: Get Cracking
Hive Five. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Potential Reasons Why People Leave Donald Trump’s Rallies Early: In Order from Most Likely to Least Likely
Scientifically speaking, a side effect of seeing too many red ‘MAGA,’ hats can lead to nausea and restless asshole syndrome.

CARTOON: Go Ahead, Make My Millennium
It's Showtime! Today's cartoon Ali Solomon.

P. Diddy’s Tips for Throwing a Successful Freak Off
There should be plenty of snacks available. Unsliced cucumbers have proven very popular at my events.

It's a man eat dog world. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

2024 Presidential Debate Drinking Game: Trump Expansion Pack
For each out and out, obvious lie that Trump makes, allow one tiny drop from a pre-measured eye dropper to fall into your mouth. Just one, it’s going to be a long night!

CARTOON: Debate Prep
Hold on tight. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Trump's Debate Prep
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Gotta Get Away?
No Extradition, No Problems. Today's cartoon by Harley Schwadron.

Why RFK Jr. Is Really Pulling out of the Election…
He’s got some bear meat he has to use FAST! And more!

CARTOON: Through The Looking Glass
Debatable. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

Less Catchy Yet More Effective Derivatives of ‘MAGA’ to Lock Up the Election
MSDECA: Make Seats at Drinking Establishments Comfortable Again! The radical owners who run these places, they’re doing horrible—horrible!—things: aluminum stools with no cushions, no backs, no footrests. Stools without any of that or the ability to swivel. You can’t even swivel, folks. Not good.

CARTOON: Project 2025
Dystopian Dialogue. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

I'd Much Rather Be Called Racist than Weird, So It's Time to Insult the Mixed-Race Vice President
I knew the whole “turn Black” thing was a winner. And demanding that someone “look into” Kamala’s ethnicity? That’s some 2015-era birtherism right there. Tried and true. And viola. We’re back in business, baby.

When Trump Told People They’d Never Have to Vote Again, He Wasn’t Threatening Democracy. He Was Working out Material for a Tight 5 at the Copa
Did Trump say he was going to be “a dictator on day one” only a few months ago? Sure, he did. When he says his opponents are “vermin” who need to be “rooted out,” he’s definitely not echoing fascist rhetoric from Italy and Germany in the 1930s. He’s just testing out his latest Benito Mussolini impression before his residency at the Palm.

Ways JD Vance Has Described Trump Or Insult From 'That 70’s Show'
What a tool, Cynical asshole, My God, what an idiot, and more!

CARTOON: Political Ponderings
Inward Decay vs. Outward Demise. Today's cartoon by Jason Bentsman & Matt Saks.

QUIZ: Disney World EPCOT Center Pavilion Country or Country Felon Trump Banned From Visiting
It's getting to be a smaller and smaller world after all! Take the quiz!

CARTOON: Balloon Bash
Justice in the Air. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Classic Works of Literature Updated for Gen Z
Alice's Activism in Wonderland: Upon witnessing the Red Queen’s abuse of capital punishment, Alice’s disillusionment with the monarchy only grows as she encounters the populous of Wonderland falling into unhealthy coping mechanisms, drug use, and addiction in an attempt to distract from a tyrannical, “colorblind” head of state. Alice takes matters into her own hands to usurp the powers-that-be and help everyone get on the Caterpillar’s level with some solid smoke.

Team Trump Online Memes Updates
Godzilla: Hey, when you think about destroying a corrupt town like Washington D.C., what comes to mind quicker than Godzilla? Imagine Prez Trump’s head over Godzilla’s as he stomps through town screaming “MAGA” or “Sleepy Joe!” (depending on focus group feedback) and we can turn the fleeing populous into members of the Demon-cratic Party (pretty good, right? I just made that up now). I think we can use video from January 6th. There’s a lot of footage there.

Other Trump Stories Killed By The National Enquirer
Trump Takes Pet Rock To Baseball Game Instead Of Eric, Ranch Dressing Fountains Placed Into Trump Apartment Bathrooms, And more!

Why Are The Trump Jurors Being Excused?
Preferred Schwarzenegger on The Apprentice. Appears to be an actual Christian, rather than a Trump Christian. Elderly man with full head of hair and a naturally healthy complexion. And more!

Donald Trump’s Totally Untrue and Fabricated Random Acts of Kindness
I was at the zoo. There was a baby rhino that wouldn’t drink its milk. None of the zookeepers were having any luck. Suddenly, a man emerged from the crowd that had formed. “Mind if I give it a shot?” It was Donald. He asked if I would hold his jacket as he climbed over the fence. He took that baby rhino, cradled it in his arms, and put the bottle in its mouth. As the rhino suckled, Donald caressed its head, and I could faintly hear him whisper, “It’s going to be okay, sweet one.”

Who Gets What in the Divorce of America
MAGA gets: Wal Mart Everyone else gets: Target // MAGA gets: Book burning. Everyone else gets: Burning carbs. And more!

CARTOON: Moron Moon
Don't Look. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Other New Additions To Trump's Bible
Several books in this version of the Bible are presented Mad Libs style. Many more bits featuring Jesus hanging out with prostitutes. The Ten Commandments now officially designated as "fake news". And more!

Inside Sedition and 8 Other Potential Ronna McDaniel’s Fox News Shows
Inside Sedition, Fox and No Friends, Big Steal or No Big Steal, and more!

MAGAts- Your Guide To Trump Loving Right Wing Extremists
Tessie Tickles: Host of the right wing podcast Tessie Gets Messy, which is less a talk show than a series of racist and /or homophobic diatribes. So kind of like FOX News if it were broadcast from the poorly lit back porch of a lime green trailer.

Why Nikki Haley Is Only “Suspending” Her Campaign for President
She has 91 less criminal charges than Trump does. If by some miracle one of them actually lands him in jail she might then become the front runner. And more!

How Nikki Haley Could Revive Her Failing Presidential Campaign
How did it happen, America? The 2024 presidential election is getting closer and closer, and somehow, the presumptive nominees are the same two melted goblins who ran against each other in 2020. WE HAD FOUR YEARS TO FIND BETTER PEOPLE! AND WE STILL DIDN'T DO IT!

Various Other GOP Conspiracy Theories About Taylor Swift
The Swifties are cloned from a single teenage girl who traveled to our time from Jan 6th, 7008. On this date in the future, the 28,532nd insurrection against the capital was attempted by TrumpBot and his legion of mutant followers. In desperation, members of the non-mutant community sent this teenage girl back in time to influence the early actions of the future President Swift.

CARTOON: Digital Devotion
Unwavering Illusions. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Where’s Melania?
Oh no! It seems Melania Trump was absent from the festivities at Mar-A-Lago and the Trump family photo this weekend. This is fueling tons of speculation about her whereabouts and why she wasn't at the party with her fam. Or was she? Can you find Melania in this holiday scene?

GAG A MAGA! Down N' Dirty Details Of The Most Recent Trump Gag Order
No more mentions of a "witch hunt", as many Trump followers believe in actual witches, and the continued repetition of the phrase really frightens them.

Interview With This Year's Presidentially Pardoned Turkey
Travis Turkey: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful... but it's really bizarre, frankly. I had definitely had way over the amount that night, and if anyone else walked away from the wreckage, I didn't see it. Admittedly, I was still pretty stoned, so things were a bit blurry. Really difficult to believe that I've been pardoned, all things considered. But as I said, I am grateful. Especially after causing all that damage on Jan 6th...

Trumper Stickers (Bumper Stickers Commonly Found On The Trucks Of Trump Voters)
"No Fat Chicks, Fat Presidents Are Okay" "Baby With Tattoos On Board" "If The Van Is A'Rockin', Automated Weapons We're A'Glockin'" and more!

Now on every MyPillow guy Pillow! Today's cartoon by Paul Lander & Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Mugshot Masterpiece
Presidential Power to Mugshot Hour. Today's cartoon by Brandon Kicks.

I'm the Republican Who's Going to Beat Donald Trump and- Oh No I Just Shit My Pants
This country desperately needs Trumpism without Trump. And I am not Trump. No, I'm- shitting my pants again! Oh no! Hnnnn! Hnnnnnnnnnnnn! Ew, my pants are full of shit! Why is this happening? I'm just trying to say and do everything Donald Trump would while looking and sounding more Presidential! Hhhnn! Oh God I'm shitting more- Hhhhhhhnnnnnnn! The shit's coming out of the bottom of my pants now!

Breakfast At Tiffany’s
Ah, evidence is like an engagement party held at Waffle House: it only works when poor people are involved.

CARTOON: Mulligan?
Sand trapped! Today's cartoon by Nathan Cooper.

Diet Tips for Presidential Hopefuls
We’re body positive now, which means that I’m positive you need to make some body changes.

How Dare You Haters Criticize My Hit Country Song, "Trump Will Kick Your Sorry Woke Asses."
But “Trump Will Kick Your Sorry Woke Asses” is in no way a political song, or anti-anything or anyone. It’s a song about building community, symbolized by the life of a fictional character, who I happen to name “Donald Trump,” who lives in a small town called “Mar-a-Lago,”...

CARTOON: Last Night at Mar-A-Lago...
Trump 20-24 years in prison. Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth.

Quiz: Nickname For Trump or Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor
Baby Finger, Dirt Cake, Angry Creamsicle, and more!

CARTOON: Fundsinking
Putting the 'ass' in classified. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Invisible Indictment
Orange you glad he got charged? Today's cartoon by Lars Kenseth.

CARTOON: Trump Scream
Fingerprints & shin splints. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Truly Terrible Things About Trump Arraignment
Keeps saying the courtroom artist is totally failing because they aren't using 'good orange' and he looks too 'creamsicle'. It took seven and a half hours to get his hair ready for the mugshot. Won't answer any questions until he's placed on higher seat than the judge. And more!

CARTOON: The End Is Here (For Trump)
Stand back and standy by. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

I’m Definitely Going to Get Arrested Friday
I’m going to be arrested Friday for something I haven’t done. I know I said Tuesday, but I hadn’t thought through all the steps involved. Or Saturday at the latest.

Clairvoyant Trump's 2023 Predictions
January 6th will become America's most popular new national holiday, during which wealthy citizens recreate the attack on the Capital by barging into the homes of the less affluent and taking whatever the hell they want. My collection of Trump NFTs will become so popular that they will be traded as the new dominant form of US currency. And more!

As the Mechanic Who Changed Your Tires, if the Car Goes 100 Mph I’ll Take All the Credit, but if the Wheels Fall Off You Can’t Blame Me
I’m not saying the wheels are going to fly off your car, but I’m also not saying that. You can’t blame me that Jimmy’s mom Susan came in wearing a new blouse from Kohl’s and I got a little distracted. She just got out of the hospital last week. Looking real fine for 97.

Truly Terrible Ways to Make Friends as an Adult
Sharing a taser while storming a government building. Dressing up as Boba Fett to attend a Lord Of The Rings convention. By attempting to telepathically communicate with others in line at the DMV. And more!

CARTOON: Michelangelo's Affidavid
Just a little nip, that's all you get, til it's unsealed. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

CARTOON: Trump Mar-a-Lago Affidavit Released
Peedacted. Today's cartoon by Ron Hauge.

CARTOON: Cheshire Trump
Through the looking glass and back again. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Inventory List Of The FBI's Raid Of Trump
Secret identity of Q (it's Tony Danza!!) McDonalds' Grimace life size sex doll, Trump steaks made of real Trump! (mostly his mother) And more!

Grave prospects. Today's cartoon by Ron Hauge.

QaDon's- American Bistro For American's Who Don't Like America
"Spend Your Independence Day Exerting Your Independence From American Values and Basic Human Decency With Our Special Fourth Of July Menu!!!" "Each of our meals is served on a paper replica of the Constitution, perfect for soaking up all of the gooey grease and spills!"

Devin Nunes Addresses Beta Tester Feedback Amid Soft Launch Of Trump’s New Social Media Platform
On Truth Social, we believe that money is king. While on other apps, ‘Following’ people simply means getting updates from them on your feed and seeing what they post to their public profile – on Truth Social, for the right price, ‘Following’ can mean whatever you want it to mean: following someone’s profile, following them home, whatever. If you pay for it, you can have it.

CARTOON: Trump Recycling
Just Shredful. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Top Reasons Cited For Not Showing Up To The January 6th Committee
Back-to-back vice-presidential briefings for JFK Jr , Totally booked between Pro-Life rallies and secret abortions, and more!

Trump Live-Tweets the Cats Movie
I can’t stand back and watch Macavity defy the Law of the beautiful city of London. Total lack of leadership from Boris Johnson. If I were in charge over there, Macavity would not be the bafflement of Scotland Yard. Because he’d be IN JAIL!

New Trump Books Out This Week
"Who Moved My Cheeseburger?" "Profiles in Cursing" and more!

Other Crazy Beliefs Of The MyPillow Guy
"Andrew Cuomo's discarded nipple rings can be used to construct a helmet with which to contact yodeling enthusiasts from other dimensions." "Beverly Hills 90210 is superior to Melrose Place." And more!

CARTOON: Trumpstock
Will the #Jan6thCommission get to the bottom of the top promoter of this event? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Trump's Tell-All
Orange Juice is loose. Today's cartoon by Dave Whamond.

Rejected Names For Trump's New Social Media Site 'GETTR'

Why I, President Jimmy Carter, Am Considering Suing Hee Haw
The show’s animated mascot is a braying donkey. I am a praying member of the donkey party. I trust you all recognize this obvious attempt to make me look like a dopey cartoon.

CARTOON: Post Trump Infrastructure Repair
Build it back stronger. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Dudley Do AltRight, Paw Patrol Lives Matter, Inspect Her Gadget. and more #ConservativeKidsCartoons on this week's trending joke game!

QAnon Makes Other Predictions Now That Trump is Out of Office
On July 8th, all of the world’s cats will reveal that they’ve been able to talk this entire time, but just prefer to communicate by meowing and peeing on your clean laundry.

You Don't Actually Understand Gaslighting
I can understand how you would get confused. “Gaslighting” gets thrown around so much these days that it can feel like it’s lost all meaning. But it is pretty strange that you keep saying you know what it means when everybody else disagrees with you. Literally everyone. I asked all of them.

I Wasn’t Concerned When A Stampede Of Raging Bulls Broke Into The Porcelain Shop Where I Work
Now, if the tables had been turned and the bulls were a herd of dairy cows, I might have been concerned. You know how dangerous those Jersey cows can be. Very concerning. No, they don’t behave the same as a bull or have the horns, but they are definitely more dangerous. I hate to think what could have happened if they’d been the cattle that had come to our shop. It would have been an “udder” disaster.

Glowing Hotel Reviews From Bedbugs
Trump Tower, New York, NY - [5 stars] Trump Tower was a home away from home! The satin sheets had a surprisingly low thread count, but that just meant more holes for me and my family to crawl through and feast on unsuspecting prey. I was pregnant during our stay, and my bed was so comfortable that I actually gave birth to my 500 children right under the covers! Would absolutely come again.

Trump “Will Return in Some Form”
A fly, Lo-Flo Toilet, A Bad Smell, Mitch McConnell's Hemorrhoid Pillow, and other manifestations Trump might return as.

Best outcome for everyone. Today's cartoon by Dan Misdea.

Unsurprising Revelations From Trump's 2nd Impeachment Trial
Trump enjoyed the scenes of destruction so much that he recorded over his VHS tape of sex with Stormy Daniels in order to preserve the footage.

CARTOON: Impeachment Defense Team's Arsenal
Also the classic 'I Know You Are But What Am I." Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: New Trump Twitter
Anti-social Media. Today's cartoon by Dave Whamond.

CARTOON: Free & Clear
Also steal as many supplies as you want. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Other Face Masks in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Collection
'This is Orwellian', 'What Does Orwellian Mean?', 'No Really, Can Someone Explain It?' And more!

Names for Trump’s New Political Party
Mein Pillow, Trump’s Chumps, Turd Reich, and more!

CARTOON: Double Trouble
It's A Small World After All. Today's cartoon by Paul lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Read Aloud
Just keep repeating it. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Melania Trump’s Letter to Jill Biden
You have big stilettos to fill, for I was the greatest First Lady in the history of the United States. No other First Lady, both past and future, has even been or will ever be as good as me at avoiding the three evils: listening, caring, and working.

CARTOON: Gotcha!
Can't take a little joke? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Fire Sale
Everything must go! Please, please just go! Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Trump's Itinerary For The Day Of Biden's Inauguration
1:30 PM: Call Satan, see if the election loss and second impeachment means that I can get a refund on the whole selling-my-soul thing. And more.

CARTOON: Never Again
They reboot everything. Today's cartoon by Tom Chitty.

CARTOON: Read Between The Lines
Decoding. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Burning Question
Could get much better!? HAHAHAHA. Not! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Now that Senator Palpatine Has Deleted His Tweet to “Execute Order 66,” We, Twitter, Will Restore His Tweeting Privileges
And so, if the Senator would like to continue using our platform to further his designs as preeminent Sith lord, to subvert our galaxy’s democratic institutions and establish himself as Galactic Emperor, we strongly urge him to resume doing so in more subtle ways.

Why I, A Rat, Won’t Tolerate One More Day on This Sinking Ship
And here we are. I don’t like to use the word hero (though I’m sure I will, many times, when I write my memoirs). I’m just a simple rat who knows right for wrong when I see it. And then, someday, after years of consideration, I finally choose to listen to the searing fires of my burning conscience. It’s what any good, patriotic rat would do.

Quit rubbing it. It's over. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Riot Geared
How embarrassing. Extra feather? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Punishing Trump With AddenDUMBS To The 25th Amendment
25 B-7: Trump forced to live in a run-down condo with son Eric as a roommate, for a minimum of no less than seven years. 25 J-7: Louie Anderson to portray Trump in any / all future tell-all movies (this will drive Trump crazy!!). 25 N-2: The McRib? Gone forever, never to return. And more!

CARTOON: Pandora's Box
You're backfired. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Revised Lyrics to "Midnight Train to Georgia"
So, he called up some folks / (Wooh, wooh, wooh-wooh) / And asked for thousands more votes / (Wooh, wooh, wooh-wooh) / Scheming for a way to get back, to the life he once knew / Oh, yes he did, he said he would / Oh-oh, he’s cheating (Cheating)

CARTOON: December 32nd
Alternate time facts. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

Quiz: Trump Pardon/Not A Trump Pardon
1. Boris and Natasha (Espionage, Attempted kidnapping of Moose and Squirrel) 2. Charles Manson (Cult Leader) 3. Susan B Anthony (Resisting Arrest) and more!

CARTOON: Lil Donnie Gifts
It starts early. Today's cartoon by Ron Hauge.

Fired and 14 Other Potential Magazine Covers for Trump
Creeple, Trolling Stoned, Poor Sports Illustrated, and more!

Memo from the Office of the Vice Chancellor of the Lizard Overlord Project to the Costuming Department
And what is going on with Bill Barr’s facial unit? The prototype we were shown had a full range of mobility and expression. The unit in the field now has become the target of ridicule and given rise to unwelcome notoriety through slurs like “Resting Bill Barr Face” and “Attorney General Grumpy Cat”.

CARTOON: Final Stages Of White House Employment
Trump GOP carousel. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Criminal Insurance
I'll make less of a mess. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Done yet?
Happy Thanksgiving! Today's cartoon by Teresa Burns Parkhurst.

Trump Turkey Pardon
We just need a signature here, here and here....everything will be taken care of, and then the turkey and his family will be in no way held liable for any crimes past or present. But if there's any room for disagreement, I may be willing to haggle regarding a member or two of the turkey's family. Like the turkey's sons, just as one example.

CARTOON: Pardon Me?
Get stuffed. Today's cartoon by Andrew Dicus.

The Art of the Memoir by Donald J. Trump
Chapter 3- Growing Up: My Dad was a Nazi, and if you’d asked me when I was a boy if that would help me relate to people, I’d have said “no.” But, as it turns out, “yes.”