
Least Clicked On Fake News Stories
Creator Of CB Radio Sets Own Buttocks On Fire
Nazi Scientists…

The Spy Who Came in from the Access Hollywood Bus
A dimly lit tavern, somewhere along the Ukrainian border. A waitress…

The Trump Presidency, The First 100 Days
ObamaCare replaced by TrumpCare
(first-aid kit, bottle of off-brand…

How to Be a White Ally Without All the Hassle
Are you distressed about the results of the recent presidential…

Steve Bannon, Really? He Doesn’t Even Make My List of Top 5 Favorite Nazis
I gotta tell you: I’m real disappointed with the…

WikiLeaks Bombshell: Militia Group Issues ‘Stand Down’ Order, Four Erections Die
KALAMAZOO, Mich. – As Republican presidential candidate Donald…

So You're Moving To Another Country...
What Now?
Things To Consider:
1) Don't Go From…

Election Night Comforting Thoughts
Regardless of who ultimately wins, the night of the Presidential…

Very Last Minute Election Surprises
Adak, Alaska has the pleasant distinction of being home to the…

You've Decided to Vote for Trump, But Can You Figure Out Which Robert E. Lee High School the Polling Place Is Located?
Well, after months of the finest deductive reasoning,…

Election Day Voting Checklist
Are you ready to make the arduous journey to your local voting…

Mike Pence's Thoughts As The Plane Skidded Around
Republican Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence was in a plane…

Melania's Whistle-Stop Tour
The odd, little out of the way places that Trump's campaign advisors…

TrumpTV: 15 Shows He Will Remake For His New Network
We got ahold of the transcripts from his meetings with network…

Surprise Guests of the 3rd 2016 Presidential Debate!
Today's CNN report cited the guests invited to tonight debate…

Melania Trump Body Language Decoded
Anderson Cooper's CNN interview with Melania Trump held very…

Internal Trump Campaign Emails From Last Weekend
Friday, Oct. 7, 2016
3:35 pm
From: Donald

Kellyanne Conway Word Association
Who is this mysterious woman, Kellyanne Conway? The woman behind…

Trump's Other Favorite Sputnik News Stories
Donald Trump recently began citing a Kremlin funded news website…

Other Times That Billy Bush's Shenanigans Have Landed Him in Hot Water
Forget about Trump! What about that little scoundrel, Billy Bush?

Foto Bomb: Trumpenstein!
Paul Ryan said he'll no longer defend Trump. Dr. Frankenstein must have been pretty tired of defending his monster too .

Town-Hall Debate Drinking Game
Do a shot every time that:
Donald Trump attempts…

Fallout Events From the Trump Video
In a surprise move the Tic-Tac organization chooses…

Donald Trump's Excuses For Not Paying His Taxes
It's Hillary's fault.
He's done plenty of other illegal…

Hustler Magazine's Reasons Why Donald Trump Should Be Our Next President
USA Today has come out against Trump. As is of course their right. To…

What Trump Did Right During the Debate
Didn't bite anyone.
(on-stage at least; and even Reagan took…

Questions Rejected From Being Used During The Clinton / Trump Debate
"Senator Clinton, is it true that ISIS unfriended you…

Items Purchased With Misappropriated Trump Foundation Funds
Human centipede made up of losers from past seasons of The Apprentice.

Real, Genuine Reasons Donald J. Trump Is Refusing To Release His Tax Returns
Accidentally spilled a two liter of Big Red soda onto the form,…

Signs Trump Is Actually Losing It
Recently paid workers for a job he hired them to perform.

Duties of Those Cleaning the Convention Center Following the RNC
Repair porta potty glory holes
Contact landfill re: thousands…

Tasty Items For Sale At The RNC Concession Stands
Trump Roast
Baloney. Lots and lots of roasted baloney.…

GOP Convention Drinking Game!
Drink every time the camera pans to an overweight woman in a…

Four Strange Things Found in Michelle Obama's 2008 DNC Speech
With all this fuss about plagiarism from Melania Trump's RNC…

President Trump White House Tour
A first-person account by one lucky reporter
It is a pretty…

CARTOON: Veep Madness Bracket
earlier version originally printed in NY Daily News

Failed Made-Up Names Before They Settled on Brexit
Great Escapain'
Great Bail-in'
Boris, Farage,…

Trump University Final Exam
[qzzr quiz="231502" width="100%" height="auto" redirect="true"…

Trump Cursing
Winter is Trumping. via Youtube user Huw Parkinson

Things Paul Ryan Would Endorse For President Before Donald Trump
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced this week that he would…

Trump Snarls
Two hours after his latest victory sort-of-speech following a…

Winter is Trumping
Winter is Trumping. via Youtube user Huw Parkinson

Presidential Candidates Footwear
After the Ted Cruz campaign drew attention to Marco Rubio’s…