
Joey, Baby, How's My Favorite President Doing?
Calm down, I'm not saying game shows gotta be your bag. My point is you've got the pick of the litter right now. Even Rogan's people want a piece of the action. You just need to trust me, baby. You've got the look and I've got the connections.

Other Things We Should be Controlling Instead of the Weather
Ghosts: I think we’re all tired hearing about ghosts and spooks and poltergeists running around haunting people and places. There’s something the Deep State needs to take care of.

JUST ABOUT TO GO ONTO THE STAGE and face my opponent at tonight’s debate. And folks, I have never been more scared. Not of my opponent. Nor of the awe-inspiring responsibility of representing this proud district. But of spiders. Specifically, brown recluses. Yes, I know, very little venom, but they just freak me out okay? #VoteErnestRyan

CARTOON: Debate Prep
Hold on tight. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

I, A High-Profile Democrat, Would Very Much Like It If You Allowed Me to Be Clear
Without your approval to be clear, my lack of clarity would require immediate clarification—something I would clearly be unable to provide. You see? The whole thing would be unclear. Is that clear?

CARTOON: Herstory
Future is Female. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Through The Looking Glass
Debatable. Today's cartoon by Steve Daugherty.

When Trump Told People They’d Never Have to Vote Again, He Wasn’t Threatening Democracy. He Was Working out Material for a Tight 5 at the Copa
Did Trump say he was going to be “a dictator on day one” only a few months ago? Sure, he did. When he says his opponents are “vermin” who need to be “rooted out,” he’s definitely not echoing fascist rhetoric from Italy and Germany in the 1930s. He’s just testing out his latest Benito Mussolini impression before his residency at the Palm.

CARTOON: Constitutional Cravings
Let them eat burgers! Today's cartoon by Thomas Wykes.

CARTOON: Polling Panic
Stress Survey. Today's cartoon by Michael Shaw.

Donald Trump’s Totally Untrue and Fabricated Random Acts of Kindness
I was at the zoo. There was a baby rhino that wouldn’t drink its milk. None of the zookeepers were having any luck. Suddenly, a man emerged from the crowd that had formed. “Mind if I give it a shot?” It was Donald. He asked if I would hold his jacket as he climbed over the fence. He took that baby rhino, cradled it in his arms, and put the bottle in its mouth. As the rhino suckled, Donald caressed its head, and I could faintly hear him whisper, “It’s going to be okay, sweet one.”

CARTOON: Mugshot Masterpiece
Presidential Power to Mugshot Hour. Today's cartoon by Brandon Kicks.

CARTOON: Balloon Banter
My eyes are down here. Today's cartoon by Jeffrey Curnow.

21 Voting Groups Now Vying for the Position Formerly Held By Soccer Moms
Badminton Aunts, Pinball Wizards, Pickleball Playing Bros, and more!

As the Mechanic Who Changed Your Tires, if the Car Goes 100 Mph I’ll Take All the Credit, but if the Wheels Fall Off You Can’t Blame Me
I’m not saying the wheels are going to fly off your car, but I’m also not saying that. You can’t blame me that Jimmy’s mom Susan came in wearing a new blouse from Kohl’s and I got a little distracted. She just got out of the hospital last week. Looking real fine for 97.

Thank You For Listening To Our Podcast!
And of course, Kate, we have to thank our fans. As two born-and-raised Californians, we couldn’t insert ourselves into Keystone local politics, sift through heaps of data you have no way of knowing were gathered accurately or ethically, and break it all down for you in-between absolutely incessant bickering week after week without listenership analytics that keep our production company happy.

Meet the Animal Mayors Running, Scampering, and Flying for Reelection in 2022
Tippy the Tortoise | Florida: Affectionately known as the “Marsh Monarch,” Tippy has been mayor of this coastal city for 95 years. He has seen mighty politicians rise and fall, and yet he has remained. Despite a rumored networth of $7B, he has been plagued by financial troubles: he has sired thousands of children and his exes are all extremely litigious.

Grave prospects. Today's cartoon by Ron Hauge.

Don't sneeze. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Never adds up. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Upcoming Family Interventions
Uncle Frank: We’ve survived three Trump Thanksgivings. What we cannot stand for is you now finding God. Location: If you get vaccinated, your favorite restaurant.

Welcome to the Manchin-Sinema Diner. I’m Todd, and I’ll Be Your Stonewaller This Evening
See, the owners, Joe and Kyrsten, have a real vision for this place. They want it to appear to be a fully functioning restaurant, and bring in as many desperate customers as possible. At the same time, they’re working with a conglomerate based in Qatar that plans to raze this building to the ground and replace it with a parking lot that’s convenient to absolutely nothing.

Ass Weakly Magazine
In this issue of ASS Weakly: Excerpts from Andrew Cuomo New Book: Hands On Politics A Touchy Subject, Ooze With Cruz-Our Q&A With The Slimy Senator, and Ghislaine Maxwell Says "Get Out Of The Dark Ages! Women Can Be Creepy Perverts Too!"

Top Reasons Cited For Not Showing Up To The January 6th Committee
Back-to-back vice-presidential briefings for JFK Jr , Totally booked between Pro-Life rallies and secret abortions, and more!

Signs That Summer Is Almost Over...
Anti-vaxxers adding plenty of ivermectin to their pumpkin spice lattes. COVID infection stories on the news are all Back To School related. And more!

CARTOON: Vote Earth
Grow some gills and let's get wet. Today's cartoon by Tyson Cole.

Helpful Money Making Tips For Getting America Out Of Debt
Fees for vaccinations that contain an added boost of Cialis. Make Trump pay his fines to the IRS. And more!

Tips on How Newly Transformed Chinese American Mike Huckabee Can Assimilate Into Asian American Society
Accept your new reality. It does not matter how you got here – whether it was a Sailor Moon transformation sequence or more of a Power Rangers assemble situation – you’re now 100% authentic grade A Chinese-American. That’s what matters.

Welcome to Your Pandemic Airbnb Rental
We invite you to help yourself to the small collection of books in the living room. While the sampling of Danielle Steele and Bill O’Reilly’s Culture Warrior may cause you to roll your eyes and deduce that we are backwards idiots, please know we have made similar assumptions about you based upon your Vampire Weekend t-shirts and many cases of flavored seltzer.

Other Crazy QAnon Conspiracy Theories
Wearing a necklace of gluten around your neck will ward off Democrats. Socialists hold wet t-shirt contents using the tears of Jesus. And more!

And all we see is crazy. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Names for Trump’s New Political Party
Mein Pillow, Trump’s Chumps, Turd Reich, and more!

Oops...I Impeached Him Again, Putin on the Ritz, Filibust A Move, and more #PoliticalPopSongs on this week's trending joke game!

The Republican Twilight Zone
There is another dimension beyond all logic known to man. It is a dimension of arrogance as vast as space and as bottomless as voter fraud allegations. It is the middle ground between Mike Pence and Kelly Anne Conway, between science fiction and Trump Tweets. It lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of man’s maskless indoor gatherings. It is an area which we call... The Republican Zone.

CARTOON: Burning Question
Could get much better!? HAHAHAHA. Not! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Fired and 14 Other Potential Magazine Covers for Trump
Creeple, Trolling Stoned, Poor Sports Illustrated, and more!

The Love Song of J. Electoral College Prufrock
No! I am not the magical elixir; / Am neither a remedy nor fixer / I’m not suited for this nation in this day and age, / When people in states red and blue must be more engaged...

Other Ways to Describe the Election Right Now Besides “A Real Nail-Biter”
An authentic democracy strainer, A good ol’ fashioned hope chomper, An honest-to-goodness reason for cable news anchors to tap smartboards and say “What are we looking at?” when what we’re looking at is actually nothing, and more!

My Aunt’s Facebook Status Election Coverage
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate squirrels? I swear they’re taking over this country. Vote to keep out the squirrels! HAHA. I pepper spray them and they don’t even move.

CARTOON: Senate Tales!
Our American JUST US System In Action! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

My House has Been on Fire for the Past Four Years but I’m Still Undecided About Calling the Fire Department
Hey there, new neighbor! Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the roaring blaze destroying my home. Have I decided if I should call the fire department or not? No, I haven’t, not yet at least. I still need more time. What am I waiting for? I’m not sure if they’ll make the state of my home any better. Yes, we’ve been running out of air and visibility for awhile now, but isn’t the fire department just as bad?

CARTOON: Elephant in the Room
The elephant in the room. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The King and Queen Have the Bubonic Plague!
Doth not tremble in cowardliness! Though many of us have fallen from these maladies and the King hast told us to do nothing to prevent the maladies from ravaging many of us, there is no reason to believe his wisdom won’t lead him to victory.

Seven New Rules to Ensure the Second Presidential Debate will be more Presidential than the First
Rule #2: The moderator will have the ability to mute a candidate's microphone if he fails to give the other candidate an opportunity to speak. The candidate in violation will be docked an electoral vote from a battleground state of his opponents choosing.

CARTOON: Mitch's Simple Rules
Consistent government is our best chance. Today's cartoon by David Ostow.

CARTOON: Vlads Lads
And more juggling jokes of a government... Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Yet we feel deflated. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Really stacking that talent roster. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Every Boat Counts
Just get in the F#cking boat. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

Other Ways That Trump Will Probably Try To Distract Us From The Pandemic
Play a few rounds of golf in the Arlington National Cemetery. And more!

CARTOON: The Little Dutchboy 2020
The tiny fingers won't work. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Peaced Out
This ain't no dove glove. Today's cartoon by Joe Wos.

Trump's Other Photo-Op's You Might Have Missed
Trump used tear gas to clear peaceful protesters so he could have a photo op with a bible and a church. But there were other photo ops you might have missed!

CARTOON: Jarring
I swear we need a bigger jar. Today's cartoon by Catherine Martha Holmes.

FICTION: Ivanka Run: Chapter 1- Greetings from Crimea
After years on the lam, world-class criminal mastermind Ivanka Trump must come out of hiding to find her long-lost husband.

Revised Rides at Reopening Disney Shanghai
If You Thought It Was A Small World Before, Just Wait A Few More Weeks, The Tower of Terrible Tik Toks, Don't Splash Anything On Me Mountain, and more.

CARTOON: Pence Sense
Solid Pence Sense. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Signed Out
Some leave their mark with positive action, others...Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

One Last Candidate to Add to the Ring
But this is not the time for radical ideas like electing anyone but the flesh and blood equivalent of a jar of mayonnaise, and I was named “Most Likely to Actually Be Jar of Mayonnaise” in high school!

CARTOON: Home Office
Lead by example, Будем здоровы! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Debatable
The job interview process is a pain. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Pardon Me?
More Trump Pardons. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Flies the Democratic Candidates Are Dropping Like
Flies who could have been a great candidate and now everyone kind of regrets ignoring them.

CARTOON: The Winner
The results are finally in. Today's cartoon by Kim Warp.

CARTOON: Stone Cold
Roger Stone's Prison Tattoo. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

How Cheers Characters Would Be Voting in 2020
Sam Malone (bartender/owner): Elizabeth Warren, Robin Colcord (industrialist/Grey Poupon enthusiast): Tom Steyer, Lilith Sternin (psychiatrist/professional dom): Amy Klobuchar, and more!

CARTOON: Blooming Prospects
Both crave attention. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Cards Against Sean Hannity
We can all agree that 'Cards Against Humanity' is a nifty game, right? We got to thinking, though, and came to the conclusion that, since Sean Hannity isn’t technically an actual human, he should get his own version of the game. Only seems fair, we figure. So we took real Hannity quotes to make...

Let's triple check that one. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

This is Not the Republican Party I Slept With in College
I imagine if we tried to get intimate these days, you’d get all bristly and say, “So, I suppose you want me to GIVE you an orgasm? You want me to just GIVE you one? Everybody wants a handout!”

CARTOON: Why I Liked Your Tweet: An Infographic
Fat Fingers, Pity, and more.

Remakes Of 90's Teen Movies For Today's Politics
Never Been Kissed By Joe Biden, Dazed & Confused About The Electoral College, Can't Hardly Wait For This To Be Over, and more!

Talkward w/ guests Michael Bleicher & Andy Newton
This episode of Talkward welcomes comedy writers and authors Michael Bleicher and Andy Newton! The humor writing duo has been published in McSweeney's, Points In Case, Crack The Spine and Weekly Humorist. They discuss their writing process, the power of Google Docs, and the state of the world. Their debut novel "From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts" a satirical road trip comedy taking place during the events of the 2016 election is on sale now from imprint Humorist Books.

CARTOON: Drastic Measures
Unthinkable! Today's cartoon by David DeGrand and Rob Kutner.

CARTOON: Discerning Depths
Sinking feeling? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Scary Stories to Tell During an Election Cycle
Although from under his bridge he might tweet and offend / Don’t think for one second it won’t happen again.

CARTOON: The President Lends His Support To Brett Kavanaugh
The Sharpie is mightier then the facts. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

New Rules for Classic Games
Sorry: In this reboot of the classic board game winning involves finding a way to not say sorry or even accept responsibility for anything you’ve done. Bonus points are awarded if you can find a way to work the phrase “Sorry, not sorry” into an appearance on a mainstream news panel.

EXCLUSIVE BOOK EXCERPT: 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts' ~ Buy It Today!
First chapter excerpt of the new political satire novel 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts'. Now available from Humorist Books!

CARTOON: Bolton Bolts
Let's get bombed. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

A Gaslight in the Attic: Toilet Tweeting
It doesn’t matter that / It’s three in the morning / I’ll tweet up a storm / I’ll send out a warning!

Everybody in This Country Needs to Chill Out and That's Why I'm Voting for Jimmy Buffett in 2020
Mahalo, friends. Does the current political climate have you…

Thoughts on Choosing a 2020 Democratic Candidate, or Which Subway to Take Home at Night
Instead of going all the way, it's stopping somewhere in the middle. It's still running, but on a different platform than I expected. I don't feel safe with this choice after 11pm. And more!

CARTOON: Debatable
Debatable demo. Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

This Turd In A Box Is Our Last Best Chance
Remember back in 2016, where we all jokingly named things we would vote for before we ever cast a vote for Donald Trump? A newly-sentient potato, a painted rock, a sack of dirty hair? Well, now’s our chance to put our money where are mouths are, and support this turd in a box with all the passion we can muster.

CARTOON: Bottoms Up
Vote to save our livers! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Trump Agreement
Finally something we all can agree on! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Looney Tunes Episodes, if Cartoons Were as Political Today as They Were When Bugs Bunny Killed Hitler
Tired of being "othered," Marvin the Martian becomes politically active. A technologist at heart, he is initially attracted to the libertarian party, but quickly realizes that none of their policies are effective in the real world. Instead, he joins the Democratic Socialists of America.

Official List Of Other Things That You're Prohibited From Doing In Alabama
Brushing your teeth, Dating outside of your gene pool, Math and more.

CARTOON: Big Banged
99 year sentences. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: TrumpCrow
Repel and replace. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Please Contribute to our Passive Activism Patreon
Our organization has been combating the ruinous tides of fascism since our forefathers fought (safely, from the mainland) in World War I. We've compiled a list of ways you, a passive patriot, can make a difference without leaving your living room.

'Hamberders', 'Pee Pee Tape', 'Who's Tiffany?' and many more #TopRedactedWords in this week's hashtag game!

Beyoncé's Imagined Presidential Platforms
Political Beliefs: To the left, to the left.

CARTOON: TrumpCare
Gotta keep the tweeter healthy. Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

I’m Goofy, Lovable Joe Biden, and I Endorse This Attack Ad Against That Other Joe Biden
So just say “No” to Joe Biden who makes you squirm and “Yes” to Joe Biden the closest thing to Obama’s third term.
I’m woke 2010s Joe Biden, and I endorse this message against stodgy 1990s Joe Biden.”

CARTOON: Barred Mueller Report
Barr totally read the Mueller Report, so you don't have to. Like CliffsNotes! Stop asking so many questions. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Real March Madness
Which Cinderella story is making it all the the final downfall? Click to see the full bracket! Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Things About Beto That Bother Trump (Even More Than The Wild Hand Gestures)
That wife of his sure seems to like him an awful lot. Very suspicious...

Ted Bundy for President in 2020!
Google “Ted Bundy” + “charming,” and you get over 320,000 hits. If you think Cory Booker can match those numbers, think again.

CARTOON: Running
Throwing tiny hat with a squirty flower in the ring. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

11 Times Politics Ruined Game Night
How politics ruined Guess Who: “Seriously dude, this whole ‘I don’t see color’ bullshit is really slowing down each round.”

What You May Have Missed During The Michael Cohen Testimony
Cohen wasn't stymied by any of the questions, but rather simply distracted by the "Dress Your Own Baked Potato" bar that was being set up just off camera.

CARTOON: Degrading
Degrading. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

CARTOON: Wallnuts
Allergic to both? Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: How Donald Trump Uses Executive Time
An illustrated guide to the important daily activities of our commander-in-cheese.

The Grinch Can Keep Christmas This Year, I Am Tired
Every year we entertain the Grinch by playing along as he tries to ‘steal’ Christmas, but this year he can keep it–I am tired.

Donnie’s Book Report About the Witch Hunt
Hi. My name is Donnie, and what I am going to do is I am going to do a book report. The book report I am going to do is about the Witch Hunt book we read in class during silent reading time.

I Am from the Future and I’m Here to Sell You Magazines
Perhaps you would like to buy a package to Cosmo? You could learn all the latest tips to spice up your love life! I just wouldn’t try too hard. Abortion isn’t exactly going to be an option for you starting about…what is it, December?...three months from now. If you get Cosmo, you can also purchase a Sports Illustrated subscription for half the price!

Everyone Gawking at Me at This Skate Park is Failing to Focus on the 47% of Bones I DIDN'T Break
I am so pumped! Yesterday was an amazing victory for me, as I attempted a very simple skateboard trick, flipped into the air a thousand times, crashed face first into the cement, and managed to not break 47% of the bones in my body. I think I speak for everyone -- from the girls at the skatepark who wept in horror at the sight of me to the paramedics who vomited when they saw my mangled body -- when I say HELL YES, this was a complete and total victory for me as a skateboarder and anyone saying otherwise is fake news.

Weekly Humorist Voting Tips
Once you've voted, please don't then call the voting location every fifteen minutes or so in an attempt to find out the results. The results will be shown later on TV. You remember how much you love your TV, right?

CARTOON: Migrant Caravan
Though, maybe avoid any large moving mobs for now. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Trump Blimp in USA
Everything else, pretty accurate. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Dr. Frankenstein Describes That Time He Made Beto O’Rourke
I now begin to collect the materials necessary for my new creation,…

Reasons to Complain about Merkel
The immigrants. I mean she just let them in. All those…

Easy Costume = Creative Topical Halloween Success!
Tattoos of everyone's name that you've met over the past several hours = Pete Davidson. And more.

CARTOON: Honest Voter Stickers
"I Voted...because the sticker matches my sense of civic duty, and also my new fall coat." Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

Drunk Cartoon: Hurricane Wall
This will be the wettest most watery rain we've had. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

I Will Protest Nike by Burning All of My Shoes
And starting this week, I am taking my protest to the streets! This is because my message is gaining ground, and also because my house burned down in a shoe-related fire.

This Is Not The America I Recognize From The Back Of All Those State Quarters
This is not the America that we were promised--the America on the back of all those commemorative state quarters from 18 years ago. The ones with all the pictures on them. Illinois is still a ginormous picture of Abe Lincoln wearing an unbuttoned shirt that reveals way too much of his chest. Waaay too much of his chest.

CARTOON: Drive-Thru
Nine cheeseburgers and a diet coke? Can you repeat that Mr. President?' Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein and Kit Lively

More Offensive Jackets Worn By Melania
Many were shocked and appalled by the First Lady’s lack of…

Overheard At The G7 Summit...
"G7? Aw, man... I could've had a V8!"
"Hey, what's with…

Products Affected By China's New Tariffs
Lizard-Innard Flavored Twizzlers
George Foreman's At-Home…

Mr. Assad, We Find This One Specific Type Of Murder Unacceptable
Dear Mr. Assad,
We, the collected powers of France, the…

Do Not Push the Red Button
Adviser 1: President Trump, there is a big, red button…

Hope Hicks Updated LinkedIn Profile
Hope Hicks
Former White House Communications Director, current…

Famous Ernest Hemingway Quotes Adjusted for the Age of Trump
"All you have to do is write one fake sentence. Write the fakest…

Titles Of Political Satire Pieces I Started This Week And Got Too Depressed To Finish
As I scratch my mosquito bites from last night and watch…

Wikileaks Releases Cease and Desist Order From EPA to Mother Nature
From the office of
Pruitt, Scott
Administrator, Environmental…

Big Boy Donny’s Birthday Party
“I want a ball,
I want a party

Trump's First 100 Days
The biggest accomplishments by the Trump Administration during…

President Trump Welcomes the First Pet
“Black crows in the meadow
Across a broad highway

Brexit Up Is Hard To Do
The Five Stages of Grief Following a Bad Break-Up / Planned Withdrawal

White House Confidential: Overheard During Trump’s First Week In Office
Anyone got a thesaurus? I’m running out of synonyms for the…

Phone Messages Left on My Senator’s Voicemail
[BEEP!] Hey, there! It’s Andy. I was just calling to check…

President Trump's First News Conference
"We take you to Washington D.C. where President Trump is about…

Grizzly Bears I Would Have Totally Shot at School
Conor, 5th Grade (Spelling Class)
Conor was pretty much the…

Obama Sticky Notes
Sticky notes that President Obama has left around Washington…

Victory speech transcript from the 2116 Elections
Back to the future: so much can change in so little time