Bernie Sanders Campaign Groupie Sex Diary

It's proven to be a passionate electoral season, and voters have…

Most Referenced FAQs on the Cialis Website

1) Will Cialis work even if my partner and I have grown to despise…

Expert Tequila Taste Test

Tequila is the name of a distilled beverage from Mexico, made…

Trump Snarls

Two hours after his latest victory sort-of-speech following a…

Batman and Superman: AN ORAL HISTORY

Superman: Oh, yeah, we were tight. Me and Bats? Are you kidding?…

Overly Specific Rejected Facebook Emojis

Coked Up   "Check out my new dental work"   Super…

GOP Primary Forecast

UPDATED FEBRUARY 23 As we head into the final stretch of the…

Domestic Terrorism Pinterest Projects

The Ku Klux Klan’s Whites Only Dorito Corn Dogs   Perfect…

Newly Leaked Hillary Emails Suggest She May Have Seen 'Hamilton,' Or Is Just Crazy

Original Message From:Huma Abedin <> To:…


 “Escape from the Zombies in the Village by the Potomac”   Terry…

New Art Gallery Openings

Winter has arrived, why not go out and see an art exhibit or…

Tip-Top Tips to Terminate a Trumper Tantrum

The world can be a scary place even without Donald Trump around.…

Hillary's Top Secret E-Mails

After several months of furious work, hackers have managed to…

New On Broadway!

My Dinner with Andre II: Just Desserts Andre Gregory and Wallace…

Presidential Candidates Footwear

After the Ted Cruz campaign drew attention to Marco Rubio’s…

How To: World Domination for Bears

Are you a bear and can read? Do you lust for more than just salmon?…

The Summer of My Erotic Marxist Awakening

I suppose we were what you'd call an odd couple, Karl Heinrich Marx and me. After all, I was just a pimple-faced 16-year-old from Kenosha, WI, and he was the German revolutionary and theorist whose Communist Manifesto had forever altered the course of Western Civilization.

Dear Donald

Donald Trump receives thousands of letters every week asking…


The screenplay for the 1946 holiday classic It's a Wonderful…

Things to Bet On In NY Now that FanDuel and DraftKings Are Shut Down

-300 Express subway train pulls away right as you get to the…

Competitive Duck Mimicry to Debut at 2016 Summer Olympics

The International Duck Mimicry Federation has announced Duck…

Most Likely Places to Find Pipes Mistakenly Left Behind by Bertrand Russell

Most Likely Places to Find Pipes Mistakenly Left Behind by Bertrand…


Hello ladies.  Are you 40?   Single? Married? Divorced? Overworked?…

Pumpkin Spice Latte; A DEA Drug Fact Sheet

Autumn comes with shortening days, and associations with stressful…


Hey Man, Dude, first, thanks so much for donating to my Kickstarter…

Pope’s Dope Robe Probed

Hey The Pope - just because you're The Pope doesn't mean you…

How To: World Domination for Pirates

Congratulations on your interest in world domination! You are…

How to Dominate Friends and Repel Losers

Dale Carnegie’s seminal work, How to Win Friends and Influence…

Who Said It: Donald Trump or Bill the Butcher from "Gangs of New York"?

1. “You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English…

Geppeto: Helicopter Parent

FROM: TO: Sunnydale Elementary Listserv RE:…

The Olive Garden Specials Menu written by a Former Political Operative

The Gamechanger This artichoke and basil pesto panini is, simply…

50 Least Infectious Diseases

1. Subhuman papillomavirus 2. Weeping cough 3. Mackerel degeneration 4.…

My Sincerest Apologies: Barnes & Noble

Dear Barnes and Noble, I am so sorry. I know nothing I can…

The 50 Least Successful Minor League Franchises

1. San Fernando Valley Fluffers 2. Briscoe County Juniors 3.…