
CARTOON: Unpresidented
If you were wondering how he's doing. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Commander-in-Cheese
It's #NationalCheeseburgerDay or if you prefer, hamberders. Cartoon by Marty Dundics.

CARTOON: The President Lends His Support To Brett Kavanaugh
The Sharpie is mightier then the facts. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Memoir
It's a real page burner. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Bummer Bumper Stickers
I'm Proud Of My Son, Even Though He's Stolen This Car Several Times, and more.

Horror Movie Sequels Inspired By The Trump Era
Alien vs Creditor: Tax Returns, The Unfair Witchhunt Project, Creature from the Fat Buffoon, and more!

EXCLUSIVE BOOK EXCERPT: 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts' ~ Buy It Today!
First chapter excerpt of the new political satire novel 'From the Campaign Trail or Thereabouts'. Now available from Humorist Books!

CARTOON: Bolton Bolts
Let's get bombed. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Bracing
It's gonna really hit hard. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Some Other Pieces of Americana, Revised By The Trump Administration
God Bless America: Written by Irving Berlin, Revised by President Trump “God, bless America, / Land that I love. / Although Baltimore is a real rat-infested hell.”

Playground Games for Representatives and Senators at Recess
Donald Says: A variation on the classic “Simon Says” and a GOP must-play. One person pretends to be Donald Trump and says, “Donald says '[insert action here]’.” All the players must do what Donald says. If the person doesn’t insert “Donald says” when requesting the action, those who do the action are out. The last person still in office, or not yet roasting in hellfire, wins.

A Gaslight in the Attic: Toilet Tweeting
It doesn’t matter that / It’s three in the morning / I’ll tweet up a storm / I’ll send out a warning!

CARTOON: Locked and Loaded
Getting ready for Trumper Dome. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Everybody in This Country Needs to Chill Out and That's Why I'm Voting for Jimmy Buffett in 2020
Mahalo, friends. Does the current political climate have you…

CARTOON: Uncontrollable
Uncontrollably scripted! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

A Gaslight in the Attic
There’s a gaslight in the attic / Though the White House said one thing / They now deny and say another / And I think I’m going insane!

CARTOON: Moscow Mitch
Muddled and indifferent with zest! Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

CARTOON: Magic Weapon
The framers planned for this. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Human Lie Detector
Robo-Mueller, today's cartoon by Marty Dundics

Questions For Robert "Bobby" Mueller
Let's speculate that our current political situation were an Agatha Christie novel; would you say that these hearings represent the last few pages of that novel?

CARTOON: Trump Cats
Why so much Cheeto dust in the litter box? Today's cartoon Evan Lian.

Ways to Refer to a Thing Someone Said Without Actually Calling it Racist
Intolerant, Undertolerant, Tolerance averse, Possessing a mild allergy to tolerance and more.

Truly Terrible Signs That Summer Is Definitely Here
All the ladies are wearing less clothing, allowing tantalizing peeks of cleavage and colostomy bags.

CARTOON: Trump History
The Pilgrims struggle with bluetooth, next time on Trump History. Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

CARTOON: Half Mast
Can't get it up? You are not alone. Happy 4th of July! Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

What could possibly go wrong? Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Not a fan of real winners. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Debatable
Debatable demo. Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

Bible Version 2.0: Updated Verses from a God Who Just F'ing Can't Anymore
Ambien 5mg: So it shall be that we would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. Unto which the Lord replied "OMG, can’t I get 5 goddamned minutes to myself?! Daddy is TIRED.”

CARTOON: Way Unfair
Family Reassembly Required. Today's cartoon by Jeremy Nguyen.

Definitely Not Born To Run. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Huckzilla
Huckzilla heads home. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Bottoms Up
Vote to save our livers! Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Trump Force One
In case of emergency use your Big Mac as a flotation device. Today's cartoon by J.C. Duffy.

CARTOON: Trump Agreement
Finally something we all can agree on! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Movies Updated for 2019
Twins, and heirs to their family’s designer jean fortune, Bianca and Taylor are attending USC this fall on a full field hockey scholarship. The only problem? They don’t play field hockey. Now their mom is being indicted on charges of fraud and extortion.

CARTOON: Disaster Relief
Can we get Presidential Disaster Relief? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Hater Hatter
Donald in Blunderland. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

CARTOON: Mueller Decoded
Clear enough now? Today's cartoon by Ellis Rosen.

CARTOON: Sing Along With Mueller
Only hear what you want to hear? Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

SOAP OPERA UPDATE! The Soapy Scoop On All Your Favorite Shows!
The Young & Arrested- Miguel finds that his emotions are feeling a bit caged, as well as his kids. His kids are in cages as well. Olivia is worried about the secret formula that has fallen into Victor's hands, but is distracted by the fact that her offspring have been placed into cages by the American President.

CARTOON: I Don't Do Cover-Ups
I Don't Do Cover-Ups. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

Little Known Executive Privilege Rights
Free access to members of the Illuminati who are handy with plumbing issues, car battery jumps, etc. Unlimited back-rubs from the vice-president. And more.

CARTOON: Trump Taxes
Seems like he really, really, really doesn't want anyone seeing these taxes, right? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Real Psycho Circus. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Big Banged
99 year sentences. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Trump’s Top 10 WWE Villains & Heros
Pence of Darkness, Jared Babyface Krusher, Mnuchin Man and more.

CARTOON: TrumpCrow
Repel and replace. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Children’s Books in the Age of Trump
The Shithole Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The Princess and the Pee Tape, Gulliver’s Travel Ban and more.

Barr Walks Into A Bar...
Barr Walks Into A Bar and the bartender says, "What can I get for you, buddy?". Barr replies, "It's been a rough week. Better make it something stiff." The bartender then says, "Stiffer than the penalty for contempt of court?"

Presidential Candidates Running On A Platform of Basically Just Charisma
A Man Who Just Rolled Up His Sleeves 2020, A Stranger in a Leather Jacket We Haven’t Seen Around Town Before 2020 and more.

Muelling Things Over with Bob Mueller
(additional editor's note: all of Mr. Mueller's advice has been edited for content by Attorney General William Barr)

CARTOON: Spreading the Word
Hoppy Easter. Today's cartoon Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: TrumpCare
Gotta keep the tweeter healthy. Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

Shocking Redacted Bits From The Mueller Report
The words, "No Collusion" had been scrawled with a child-like hand onto each surface of the small restroom, written with what could only be ████████████████ and didn't even wipe them off of the walls before the next day's tour groups could discover the ███████████ and horrific scene.

CARTOON: Tax Dreadlines
Is it permanently extended? Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Trump Taxes
Didn't you receive my form 1040-FU? Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

CARTOON: Trumpcare
Just a few more aaaaand we've solved it. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Barred Mueller Report
Barr totally read the Mueller Report, so you don't have to. Like CliffsNotes! Stop asking so many questions. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Jeanine Pirro Diary Entry on the Night Mueller Report Delivered to the DOJ
I’ve been suspended from Fox News for TWO whole weeks! I feel like I'm missing senior prom.

CARTOON: Commander In Tweet
Trump socialized media. Today's cartoon by Peter Kuper.

New L'Oréal Cover Boy
Because you're worth it. Today's Pic Quip by Sarah Hutto!

CARTOON: Real March Madness
Which Cinderella story is making it all the the final downfall? Click to see the full bracket! Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Things About Beto That Bother Trump (Even More Than The Wild Hand Gestures)
That wife of his sure seems to like him an awful lot. Very suspicious...

Ted Bundy for President in 2020!
Google “Ted Bundy” + “charming,” and you get over 320,000 hits. If you think Cory Booker can match those numbers, think again.

My Signed Book Collection
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens: Signed by The Amazing Johnathan at a Magic Convention in Las Vegas in 2005. The line for the real-life David Copperfield was super long, and I was getting hungry.

Paul Manafort’s White-Collar Prison Blues
I’m going to white-collar prison, / And my gout’s worse than it’s ever been./ Why does this have to happen/ To a man with the color of my skin?

Emergency Press Conference: We Need to Stop Menopause Before It Destroys the Planet
But Earth’s menopause has proved to me it isn’t fake—or it’s a really good fake. One of the best fakes. We need to ask ourselves this important question: why is another woman trying to punish us? What is she trying to get out of doing?

What You May Have Missed During The Michael Cohen Testimony
Cohen wasn't stymied by any of the questions, but rather simply distracted by the "Dress Your Own Baked Potato" bar that was being set up just off camera.

CARTOON: Degrading
Degrading. Today's cartoon by Evan Lian.

CARTOON: I'm Melting!
Don't go chasing waterfalls. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Universal Emergency
And we thought Scroktux Cril was annoying! Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand.

CARTOON: Twitter Character
Twitter characters show character. Today's cartoon by Rich Powell.

CARTOON: Birdie or Bogey?
Can we wrap this up? I have a tee time. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

White House Tour Excerpts
Probably the most offensive and glaring of the recent changes is the White House tour. Once a fascinating and enriching educational experience, the tour has become instead the ravings of a homeless madman who seemingly has wandered into the White House by accident

Other Things That Fall Under Trump's Definition Of A National Emergency
Lock on backstage door at Miss Teen USA Pageant, Sean Hannity not making enough direct eye contact through TV, and more.

CARTOON: Trump Valentine
Are you tired? Because you've been Russian around my head all day. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Wallnuts
Allergic to both? Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

The Climate Change Diet
Notice that shirt flares around buttons near belly. Consider switching detergents or using a cold-only cycle. Laundry is ruining your wardrobe.

What The Wall Will Actually Be Made Of
Former Trump Staff Members: Why not explore Trump's "human wall" idea further? A pile of former White House staffers would be just as good as your average fence (and no less transparent).

The Stain Of The Union Address: Rebuttal To Trump's Address By The Stain On The Carpet Of The Congressional Floor
Not really sure what I'm comprised of, although I do appreciate your inquisitive nature. Originally I believe that I was just a small dribble from a visual aid presentation used for a debate regarding stem cell research, but now, who knows? A bit of residue from a packet of Arby's Horsey Sauce here, a bit of massage parlor parking lot mud from Mitch McConnell's shoe there, and well, here I am.

Other Bullied Kids Trump Considered Inviting to the State of the Union
But who didn't make the cut this evening? There must be many, many unfortunate souls out there tonight just as deserving? They sit alone watching tonight. We have their names:

The Art of Perfecting the Closed-Lip SOTU Smile!
Nancy Pelosi has her work cut out for her at the State of the Union Address. She'll need to avoid Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) because he told her to call "the wall" a “wangdoodle” and now she can’t stop reading Urban Dictionary. Also, she’s really hoping Trump doesn’t mistake Stacey Abrams for April Ryan. But mostly, she’s worried she won’t be able to keep to keep her mouth shut as masterfully as Mike Pence and Paul Ryan did at last year’s SOTU.

CARTOON: How Donald Trump Uses Executive Time
An illustrated guide to the important daily activities of our commander-in-cheese.

CARTOON: National State of Emergency
Frozen Putz. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

More CLASSIFIED White House Leaked Info From John Bolton's Notepad
'Explain salad', 'Trap Pelosi in a cage', 'Wall made of CHEESE?' And more super secrets revealed on Boltons notepad.

CARTOON: NEW KIDS BOOK! 'All My Friends Are Indicted' by Donald J. Trump
If you are a fan of the bestselling "All My Friends Are Dead" series of books then you'll want to pick up this new book hot off the presses!

Romancing The Stone- Tips For Courting Roger Stone In Prison
Don't forget: You and Roger may have a solid prison romance, and it could very well be a beautiful experience, but he'll always... always... be Donald Trump's bitch.

CARTOON: Air Force * 1
One small change. Huge difference. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

Marine Corps General John Kelly Helps You Be A New and Better You in 2019
For your best 2019, call John Kelly now at the number below. I can’t make you the best you, but I think I can keep you from being the worst you, just by being around all the time.

Trumpism or Coachella Act
The Violent Left, Rude Elevator Screamers, Cash Cash and more.

Okay, So What Exactly Are In Those Putin Meeting Notes Stolen By Trump?
Putin had to agree to leave wrestling and McDonald’s alone before Trump would agree to dismantling America from within.

Annie, Sell Your Gun, The Non-Producers, My Welfare Lady and more #ShutdownMusicals

CARTOON: Trump Decision Making
Here's some insight into Donald Trump's decision making process. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Trump's Helpful Tips For Furloughed Government Employees
I've heard that drugs can make you feel much better about things in general, so maybe take some drugs. But better do it quick, because as soon as that wall goes up, no more drugs in America!

CARTOON: Spinning Nixon
Gravely embarrassing comparisons. Today's cartoon by Alexis Novak and Jason Chatfield.

I Built This Wall Around My Custom-Made Birdbath Not Because I Hate Other Birds, But Because I Love My Own Damn Birds
How dare you even consider bathing in my stylish birdbath? I don’t care that you’ve flown hundreds of miles to enjoy my birdbath. I don’t care that you’ve endured endless suffering in the pursuit of a relaxing bath. Unguarded birdbaths are pipelines for all sorts of unsavory items like stray grains and low-quality worms.

It’s True That Demons Are Possessing Human Souls, But You Need To Change Your Tone
As a journalist who is doing the most important work in our democracy right now, I am concerned. Look, I get it, people are angry because demons are coming out of their lairs and possessing human souls, and you should be angry, but if you want to really make a change, you have to change your tone first.

The Wall, signed, sealed & delivered. (If you play it backwards, it also can't believe Trump is president! ) Today's cartoon by David DeGrand.

CARTOON: Baby New Year
The beginning of the end? Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

CARTOON: Trump Xmas
Everything spins. Today's cartoon by Paul Lander and Dan McConnell.

CARTOON: Emoluments Claus
I want to make money from all of this. Can you pay me too? Today's cartoon by J.C. Duffy.

Busta Dissident And 7 Other Rapper Names For Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin wants Russia to control rap music. So, to give…

CARTOON: Trump Cover
Donald was pissed that he wasn't the Person of the Year for TIME Magazine. But another publication made him Person of the Century! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

The Grinch Can Keep Christmas This Year, I Am Tired
Every year we entertain the Grinch by playing along as he tries to ‘steal’ Christmas, but this year he can keep it–I am tired.

CARTOON: Yuletide Ban
Today's cartoon by Kit Lively and David DeGrand!

TBA: Smockey Bear And 7 Other Official Changes In Spelling
Look for White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to announce the following official changes in spelling to prove that Trump’s spelling ‘smoking gun’ ‘smocking gun’ wasn’t a mistake, just a preview of a new federal spelling policy.

CARTOON: Trump's Number 1!
Everyone knows Trump is "Individual-1." Mueller really lets him know! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Ivanka Trump’s Reflections on Hanukkah and Flipping on Your Entire Family
The First Night
Hanukkah. The Festival of Lights. Ever since…

I Am from the Future and I’m Here to Sell You Magazines
Perhaps you would like to buy a package to Cosmo? You could learn all the latest tips to spice up your love life! I just wouldn’t try too hard. Abortion isn’t exactly going to be an option for you starting about…what is it, December?...three months from now. If you get Cosmo, you can also purchase a Sports Illustrated subscription for half the price!

Talk that Trump Jr. to be indicted by Mueller soon... Or, as Trump Sr. will say...
“Heard he wet the bed. He’s no Trump. Everyone knows we have hookers do that for us.”

Democrat House Of Representatives To Do List
Hispanic members of House and Senate no longer forced to wear sombreros. And more.

A Summary For My Class On My White House Internship
They tell me that, with how much they promote people, I could probably be running the EPA, HUD, or even state department by next summer.

CARTOON: You Lose! I Win!
I Call No Tag Backs! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Jeff Sessions' Updated Resume
-Advanced common-sense policies to protect nation from external and internal threats, such as gender fluidity, impoverished refugees, non-addictive drugs, and the perils of a modern, integrated society.
-Consistently rated “Least Fuckable Face” by my boss, the president of the United States.

Everyone Gawking at Me at This Skate Park is Failing to Focus on the 47% of Bones I DIDN'T Break
I am so pumped! Yesterday was an amazing victory for me, as I attempted a very simple skateboard trick, flipped into the air a thousand times, crashed face first into the cement, and managed to not break 47% of the bones in my body. I think I speak for everyone -- from the girls at the skatepark who wept in horror at the sight of me to the paramedics who vomited when they saw my mangled body -- when I say HELL YES, this was a complete and total victory for me as a skateboarder and anyone saying otherwise is fake news.

CARTOON: Voter Turnout
When the best case scenario is the worst case scenario. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Migrant Caravan
Though, maybe avoid any large moving mobs for now. Today's cartoon by Ali Solomon.

The White House’s Kavanaugh Celebration Party
Sean Hannity has a VIP table in one corner. Alex Jones is here. His shirt is already off. Roger Stone is seen handing out small red flyers about an orgy he’s hosting the following night.

CARTOON: Trump Blimp in USA
Everything else, pretty accurate. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

Reasons to Complain about Merkel
The immigrants. I mean she just let them in. All those…

CARTOON: U.S. Belabor Secretary
Everything is going amazingly well. So well. The best...Today's cartoon by Rich Sparks.

John Kelly’s Draft Letters of Resignation
Regardless, I will gladly see to the several outstanding issues under my watch before departing. To start, Sheila in Accounting has advised that there is no "hush money" designation in the system and indicated that one could not be created.

Terrifying White House Inspired Halloween Costumes
Sexy Mitch McConnell, Zombie Mitch McConnell, just Mitch McConnell. And more.

CARTOON: Mega Millions Odds
May the odds be ever in your favor. But, they really, really aren't. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

CARTOON: Trump Stump For Ted Cruz
Nothing like getting endorsed by such a great pal! Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers!

CARTOON: Just Checking
Toss in a casino while you're at it. Today's cartoon by Ivan Ehlers.

News Stories You May Have Missed During The Kavanaugh Fiasco...
Nudists Not Allowed In Cake Shop, Birdhouse Projects On The Up And Up, and more headlines you missed!

Presidential Portraits
Kim jong ill-fitting suit, The Mandarin orange candidate, Stable genius, and more.

Drunk Cartoon: In Your FFFFFace!
Let's go streaking! Cartoon by Bob Eckstein.

Prizes For Trump Now That Winning Nobel Peace Prize is Kaput
Cracker Jacks ‘Prize Inside the Box’

A Sampling Of Brett Kavanaugh's Home Brewed Beers
Small Wood Double IPA: A hoppy beer with nutty undertones and a strong hint of male entitlement. The presidential beer of choice. Sausage Fest Pale Ale: A favorite among prep school boys and GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee. And more...

LEAKED: The Full Set of Rules for Reading the FBI’s Kavanaugh Report
Inside the room are a series of objects that contain clues on how to unlock the box. Do not break any of the items to find clues. All items are on personal loan from Tobin and Squi.

CARTOON: Like Father, Like Bum
Today's cartoon by Pat Byrnes.

The VERY URGENT Presidential Alerts!
I heard what you said about me earlier today, and the secret service guys should be knocking down your door in 3... 2... 1.... Okay, ha, just kidding! But try to think before you speak next time, 'kay?

CARTOON: Presidential Alert

LEAKED: The White House Approved Kavanaugh FBI Interview List!
"David Dennison" Donald Trump Jr. “Bart O’Kavanaugh,”Anthony Kennedy and more.

As a Father of a Son, I’m Very Concerned About Recent Events
When my son is middle aged, will his long record of sexual violence in high school and college come to light, momentarily jeopardizing his seat on the Supreme Court? The indignity!

CARTOON: Minimum Requirements
You must meet these minimum requirements to enter. Today's cartoon by David DeGrand and Kit Lively.

11 Statements More Accurate Than "Boys Will Be Boys”
Girls Will Be Paid Less, Dick Pics Will Be Unsolicited and more.

Brett Kavanaugh's 1982 Calendar
{ Official Transcript of provided Brett Kavanaugh 1982 Calendar } July 10 – “Visit Yale, Remember Visine.” July 21 - "Hypothetical Plans" July 22 – “Buy gag dick” – (X’d out)

Drunk Cartoon: Hurricane Wall
This will be the wettest most watery rain we've had. Today's cartoon by Bob Eckstein.